Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis of Home Burial - 1496 Words
Robert Owen Marjory Thrash Eng 1123 V02 13 April 2009 Analysis of â€Å"Home Burial†Many of Robert Frost’s poems and short stories are a reflection of his personal life and events. Frost’s short story â€Å"Home Burial†emulates his experience living on a farm and the death of two of his sons. Frost gives an intimate view into the life and mind of a married couples’ struggle with grief and the strain it causes to their marriage. The characters Frost describes are synonymous, physically and emotionally, to his own life events. â€Å"Home Burial†is a look into a troubled married couples’ relationship and the emotional stress the death of their child has inflicted upon them. Being isolated on a farm in rural Massachusetts, the wife, Amy, has no one†¦show more content†¦In â€Å"Home Burial†, Frost is using the characters in the story as a vehicle to play out the hard times he himself encounters when his children died. The story has an uncanny resemblance to his life during the time when he and his wife were dealing with their son’s death. Amy appears to be suffering from extreme grief due to the loss of her first-born child. However, due to her unusual grieving pattern, Amy is not suffering only from grief but also from major depression. The five stages of grief are Denial, Isolation, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Amy is having difficulty moving through these five stages of grief and is trapped in the anger and denial stage. Her husband’s insensitivity during their child’s burial triggers a dramatic emotional outburst during her fragile state of mind. This insensitivity is evidenced by Amy’s saying, â€Å"If you had any feelings, you that dug with your own hand how could you?†(Frost 1131). This statement by Amy signifies that she is using her husband’s apparent insensitivity as an outlet for her anger. Amy’s husband apparently agitates and intensifies her feeling, which clearly demonstrates signs of an acute mood disorder. Amy is having difficulty with depr ession as well. She is unable to move to the last stage of grief, acceptance, until then she will be stuck in the same stage, reliving the same emotions over and over until she is able to cope with the feelings that were arousedShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Home Burial by Robert Frost822 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis of Home Burial by Robert Frost Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Home Burial†relates a drama between an estranged man and his wife. He presents a dramatic poem in the form of a dialogue about a couple that argues, differs with their opinions, and separates at the end. The center of the argument is around the death of their child. 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