Saturday, May 23, 2020
Natural Blends Case Study Essay - 894 Words
Natural BlendsNatural BlendsNatural BlendsNatural BlendsNatural BlendsNatural BlendsNatural BlendsNatural BlendsNatural BlendsNatural BlendsNatural BlendsNatural BlendsNatural BlendsNatural Blends Part B 4a. How often during an 8-hour workday would you have a setup change in the extraction process (e.g., how often would you changeover to another size orange)? Since we also need to replace the filter every 90 minutes which adds another 30 minutes to overall downtime, it makes sense then to try to minimize as much idle time as possible by coordinating when the bin has to be changed at EXTRACTION with the filter change at FILTRATION. In order to meet the processing requirements; each orange size must be processed at least once per day, and†¦show more content†¦90 minute (1.5 hours) run time X 18,000 pounds per hour = 27,000 lbs per bin 4d. What was the total amount of juice concentrate you can process through the three process steps (two through four) in one 8-hour workday? Again, since we’ve maintained total output @ 18,000 lbs per hour by coordinating our bin changes with filter changes, and total run-time of 6 hours (8 hours per day - 2 hours downtime), the total output via steps 2-4 is: 108,000 lbs per day. 18,000 lbs per hour X 6 hours = 108,000 lbs per day PART C 5. How much time does it take for the blending operation to process one 8,000-pound order from Company A? In order to accommodate the order from Company A, a 40-minute BLENDER setup must take place (assuming the setup for this order was not preempted at the end of the previous day). Also, since we are no longer constrained by the 18,000 lb per hour CONCENTRATOR because of the buffer placed between the CONCENTRATOR and the BLENDER we can process this order @ 22,000 lbs per hour. As a result this order can be processed in: ~ 62 minutes. 8,000 lb order/ 22,000 lbs per hour X (60 minutes) + 40 minute setup time = 51.8 minutes 6. Which set of contracts in Table A would you recommend that Natural Blends accept? Contract C and D are recommended. C has the highest contribution per week ($9,360): 15Show MoreRelatedBiofuels : The Best Alternative For Fossil Fuels Essay1269 Words  | 6 PagesBiomass fuels have already been shown that it can be used as direct substitutes for fossil fuels such as powering diesel or gasoline engines, heating buildings, and producing electricity. Fossil fuels are buried deposits of petroleum, coal, peat, natural gas, and other carbon-rich organic compounds stemming from the dead bodies of plants and animals that lived many millions of years ago. 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Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay On Becoming A Medical Assistant - 1597 Words
Becoming a medical assistant is a good choice as a career. This career is continuing to grow a lot. A medical assistant is an enjoyable job, even though it can be difficult at sometimes people still enjoy the job. They mainly stay busy during the day because a lot of patients come in. Medical assisting is kind of different than other types of healthcare. The other HealthCare’s have been around for much longer. Medical Assisting was started in the 20th century. By the 1950 s people were working as medical assistants and they realized how much benefits they had brought to nurses and doctors. In 1956 there was a Charter Meeting in Milwaukee. The American Medical Association passed the objectives. There was a CMA Woman that was elected the†¦show more content†¦A medical assistant is important to the physicians and nursing staff. Doctors and nursing staff have to be able to concentrate on the medical problems and concerns of their patients. These assistants keep the physicians on schedule, the healthcare facility on course, the workflow smooth and running, the patients informed, and the customers comfortable and safe. Basically, they keep the medical office together. Physicians and surgeons have their own long list of chores and responsibilities to main tain. They just do not have enough time to handle all of the chores that are given to the medical assistants. Without them, things would be really chaotic and frustrating. Physicians as well as nurses would have way too much on their plate to manage. In order to become a medical assistant you have to make good grades and finish high school and then go to college. The best college to go to in Nashville is Remington College. There are many more colleges such as Fortis College, Southern College and Virginian College (Google). but Remington College is the main one people go to become more successful. The Remington College medical assistant school will get students ready for their transition into the real world through training in the classroom. People that attend will get familiar with medicalShow MoreRelatedMedical Assistant Essay908 Words  | 4 PagesTasha Sifuentes Notes for my final essay Licensure and Certification requirements for Medical Assistant State, Federal and professional licensure and certification requirements â€Å"A medical assistant is expected to be an expert in both medical and administrative tasks. Being an assistant, he/she is expected to help the doctors in their daily activities regarding treating patients. A medical assistant (MA) is responsible for the smooth functioning of the employing facility. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
What Was Emilys Relationship With Her Father - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 853 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/04/06 Category Literature Essay Level High school Tags: A Rose For Emily Essay Did you like this example? While reading A Rose for Emily one may notice the deep, rich troves of meaning behind each sentence. Every line delving deep into the past. Imprinted hearts of those livings in the 18th century South with rooted hatred or, truthly, superiority for a race of people that had previously been held in bondage. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "What Was Emilys Relationship With Her Father?" essay for you Create order William Faulkner shows his understanding of the mindset people had during that age, which, in turn, makes his short story all the more complicated. The story shows the main characters steady deterioration of health; the relationship between this character and a man named Homer Barron, a reconstruction contractor; and, the relationship between the main character and her father. Each of these mirrors real-time events and some symbolize possible people. After the Civil War Era, there was a period known as Reconstruction, where the South was under complete Northern control. Five Military districts were set in place to keep order and prevent one authority from being overburdened. There is evidence of symbolism regarding these events with the character Homer Barron. The word baron was a term to signify nobility and the ownership of lands, including the people living there. It is not irrelevant concerning this character as he is the primary contractor for the town of Jefferson, Mississippi. Primarily tasked with the construction of roads and paving sidewalks, he was a stranger and symbolized northern, modern influence on a evolving society. Emily, on the other hand, is the definite symbolization of Southern pride and beauty, and the possibilities that slavery implies. Before the civil war, some southern Plantation owners had grown so rich and powerful that they even had a decent grasp on the government that controls them. They had 21 r epresentatives in the House of Representatives due to their slave population. This power is mirrored in Emily, a monumental figure in her community from a long line of prideful people. Even in her death she was respected. WHEN Miss Emily Grierson died, our whole town went to her funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument -Inge, M. Thomas, and William Faulkner. William Faulkner: A Rose for Emily. Merrill, 1970. So the relationship between Emily and Homer Barron was a doomed love from the beginning. As they spent time together, they were gossiped about. And as Homers true feelings were known to everyone, him being a gay man, Emily eventually killed him with arsenic. He was found at the end of the story, a complete skeleton laying in a bed with a spot worn down next to him. The two were incompatible, the Old South and Reconstruction would never be as smooth as we hoped. However, after the death of Homer Barron, no one knew where he was. But, in fact, he was decomposing inside of her house, explaining the smell. This was around the time that her health began to deteriorate. People stopped visiting her, her house lost its shine and seemed to decay, and she became obese. These are all symbolisms to the changing of traditions and modernizing of the South as time passed, leaving tradition behind to decay and rot. It explains how the only thing people really felt for her was an obligated respect. No one knew her personally because no one had held on to the pride of the Old South as much as she did. So she passed away to join her kin, taking the last of tradition with her. Lastly, there is rich symbolism in the relationship between Emily and her father. When her father died, it got about that the house was all that was left for her; and in a way, people were glad. At last they could pity Miss Emily. -Inge, M. Thomas, and William Faulkner. William Faulkner: A Rose for Emily. Merrill, 1970. The explanations used for Miss Emilys father are simple, he is insane. The only appearance he has in the story is of him in a picture, a spraddled silhouette, clutching a horsewhip. It is easy to assume, considering his disposition and his reputation, what he symbolizes. Since Miss Emily is decidedly the pride of the South, her father must be the insanity that created that pride. The type of person who could commit atrocities such as slavery, and everything that implies, would have to be insane. Once he died, all that was left for Emily was the house she lived in. This symbolizes the destruction of the southern slaveholders after the Civil War. Since the plantations w ere primarily supported by the slaves that inhabited them, the sudden loss in free labor made the once profitable business less than bountiful. Her relationship with these characters shows important areas of US history. Her and Homer Barrons attempt at love represent the Souths unwillingness to fit into the Northern agenda and the incompatibility that shows to their very core. Emily and her fathers eerie relationship that seems to answer how Emily was able to hold onto her beliefs as tightly as she did. All of this ending as her health slowly began to rot and her body decay, becoming as gross as the beliefs her father held.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Analysis of Home Burial - 1496 Words
Robert Owen Marjory Thrash Eng 1123 V02 13 April 2009 Analysis of â€Å"Home Burial†Many of Robert Frost’s poems and short stories are a reflection of his personal life and events. Frost’s short story â€Å"Home Burial†emulates his experience living on a farm and the death of two of his sons. Frost gives an intimate view into the life and mind of a married couples’ struggle with grief and the strain it causes to their marriage. The characters Frost describes are synonymous, physically and emotionally, to his own life events. â€Å"Home Burial†is a look into a troubled married couples’ relationship and the emotional stress the death of their child has inflicted upon them. Being isolated on a farm in rural Massachusetts, the wife, Amy, has no one†¦show more content†¦In â€Å"Home Burial†, Frost is using the characters in the story as a vehicle to play out the hard times he himself encounters when his children died. The story has an uncanny resemblance to his life during the time when he and his wife were dealing with their son’s death. Amy appears to be suffering from extreme grief due to the loss of her first-born child. However, due to her unusual grieving pattern, Amy is not suffering only from grief but also from major depression. The five stages of grief are Denial, Isolation, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. Amy is having difficulty moving through these five stages of grief and is trapped in the anger and denial stage. Her husband’s insensitivity during their child’s burial triggers a dramatic emotional outburst during her fragile state of mind. This insensitivity is evidenced by Amy’s saying, â€Å"If you had any feelings, you that dug with your own hand how could you?†(Frost 1131). This statement by Amy signifies that she is using her husband’s apparent insensitivity as an outlet for her anger. Amy’s husband apparently agitates and intensifies her feeling, which clearly demonstrates signs of an acute mood disorder. Amy is having difficulty with depr ession as well. She is unable to move to the last stage of grief, acceptance, until then she will be stuck in the same stage, reliving the same emotions over and over until she is able to cope with the feelings that were arousedShow MoreRelatedAnalysis of Home Burial by Robert Frost822 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis of Home Burial by Robert Frost Robert Frost’s poem â€Å"Home Burial†relates a drama between an estranged man and his wife. He presents a dramatic poem in the form of a dialogue about a couple that argues, differs with their opinions, and separates at the end. The center of the argument is around the death of their child. The poem is rich in human feelings; it highlights the expression of grief, frustration and anger that the couple shares while trying to deal with the death of their childRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Home Burial 970 Words  | 4 PagesWhen reading the poem â€Å"Home Burial,†you automatically assume that the story has to deal with the death of something or somebody. The couple in this poem has lost their child. The mother I in deep despair as she has the right too because, she carried the baby for nine months. It is obvious that she has never recovered from this loss, while the husband presents himself as if the whole thing never happened. Most people in this position g radually work out a way of dealing with their grief, and go onRead MoreAnalysis OfTuft Of Flowers, And Home Burial970 Words  | 4 Pagesthat reveal to us the importance of learning from our sudden experiences. His wonderful poem Tuft of Flowers represents how the persona unexpectedly stumbles across a butterfly which acts as a catalyst for change, and his deeply personal poem, Home Burial explores the negative aspects of discovery through a relationship impacting their values. I will also speak about an engaging short film called Paperman directed by John Kahrs where an unexpected encounter with a lady allows the persona to see theRead MoreEssay about Analysis of Home Burial by Robert Frost970 Words  | 4 PagesAnalysis of Home Burial by Robert Frost Robert Frost wrote the poem Home Burial after he and his wife suffered the tragic loss of their 4-year-old son. Home Burial shows the emotions people feel after such a loss, and how they face those emotions. Through Frosts experience he shows that men and women grieve in different ways. In Home Burial Frost demonstrates, through the husband, that in the grieving process men tend to show strength. Throughout the poem you see the husband proceedRead MoreAnalysis Of The Poem Home Burial By Robert Frost2109 Words  | 9 PagesRobert Frost’s poem, â€Å"Home Burial†(1914), eloquently intertwines dialogue within the structure of the poem in order to reveal the tensions between the two characters. Having recently buried their only child, Amy and her husband are learning how to grieve and deal with this horrible loss. However, they are learning to grieve separately, which causes distress and makes it look like their marriage is failing. According to William Fish, â€Å"mothers and fathers grieve differently and therefore are oftenRead MoreAnalysis Of Robert Frost s Home Burial And The Death Of The Hired Man 2384 Words  | 10 Pages THESIS STATEMENT Robert Frost, an American poet during the Nineteenth Century, Modernist Era, displayed the issues of realism through his life issues of death and spousal relations through his poems: â€Å"Home Burial†and â€Å"The Death of the Hired Man†. INTRODUCTION Robert Frost’s inspiration for his poetry derived from much of his life and the historical events that surrounded him. American literary critic, Harold Bloom wrote in his Bloom’s Major Poets, â€Å"Robert Frost is one of the major American poets†¦inRead More Jane Kenyon’s The Blue Bowl Essay1322 Words  | 6 Pages Kenyon’s criticism of burial and the mourning process and the manner in which it fails to provide a sense of closure for those who have lost a loved one is the main underlying theme in The Blue Bowl. Through her vivid description of both the natural setting and the grief-stricken emotional overtone surrounding the burial of a family’s house pet and the events that follow in the time after the cat is put to rest, Kenyon is able to invoke an emotional response from the reader that mirrors that ofRead MoreLoewen Group Case Study1452 Words  | 6 Pages External Environment Analysis Opportunities Threat of new entrants: The barriers to entry are high due to high fixed costs, lack of history in the local community, zoning regulation, and not-in-my-back-yard protests. Power of suppliers: Funeral consolidators such as Loewen group can put a great deal of pressure on suppliers to reduce prices. Power of buyers: The funeral home is usually the buyers first point of contact, therefore the funeral home has first chance at sellingRead More Odysseus Essay1067 Words  | 5 Pagesgoddesses seek Odysseus to be their husband, Odysseus responds as a perfect Greek hero. During the Calypso episode, Homer teachers that one must remain faithful in their hearts. The Circe episode shows the loyalty between a commander and his troops, burial rights, hospitality, and the relationship between host and guest. The Calypso episode explains how a man must be faithful to his wife in his heart. The Calypso scene opens with a description of how beautiful her island of meadows and flowers is andRead MoreAnalysis of Beach Burial1259 Words  | 6 Pagesï » ¿ Analysis of ‘Beach Burial’ Kenneth Slessor’s poignant poem, ‘Beach Burial’ contemplates on the improper and unfair burial that the Australian soldiers, who were at war with the Germans during World War 2, receive as a result of the fact that they could not get back home. The main idea that the poet was trying to get across was that as a result of the soldiers not being able to get a proper burial, they are not able to be recognized and are considered to be just another casualty of war:
Mentoring Programs for At-Risk Youth Free Essays
The word mentor derives its origin from a character in Homer’s epic poem The Odyssey. When Odysseus, King of Ithaca, went to fight in the Trojan War, he entrusted the care of his Kingdom to Mentor. Mentor served as the teacher and overseer of Odysseuss’ son, Telemachus. We will write a custom essay sample on Mentoring Programs for At-Risk Youth or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1 In our society today, mentors generally are volunteers who are committed to helping students or youth identified as â€Å"at-risk†and/or as a potential dropout get back on trackâ€â€academically, socially, mentally and physically. The specific roles of mentors are multifaceted and varied. Mentors are big brothers/sisters, role models, friends and confidantes. Their goal is to make a connection and then, using that connection, convey a positive message to their mentee. Mentors build self-esteem, motivate and help young persons set goals and work toward accomplishing those goals. There is little doubt of the importance of mentoring programs and the benefits they yield. Studies of existing programs indicate that youth who participate in mentoring relationships have better attendance and attitude toward school; less drug and alcohol use; improved social attitudes and relationships; more trusting relationships and better communication with their parents; and a better chance of going on to higher education.2 Unfortunately, all those who could be benefiting from having a mentor are not. According to Mentoring in America 2005: A Snapshot of the Current State of Mentoring, â€Å"Of the 17.6 million young people who could especially benefit from having a mentor, only 2.5 million were in formal, one-on-one mentoring relationships.†3 In the state of Connecticut, over 160,000 childrenâ€â€or 25 % of Connecticut’s youthâ€â€are in life situations that place them at risk for personal and academic failure.4 These situations include poverty, inadequate early childhood experiences and preparation for school, family drug use, violence, involvement in the criminal justice system and lack of access to needed social and mental health services. Government, community and civic groups and individuals are trying to change that; trying to make a difference. Since 1989, The Governor’s Prevention Partnership has worked with the State of Connecticut, Connecticut’s corporate and business communities and other public, private and community organizations to provide the leadership and resources to assist 387 schools, 249 community organizations and 93 businesses in efforts to keep the children of the state safe, successful and drug-free.5 This is being accomplished, in part, through the following programs. The Connecticut Mentoring Partnership Created in 1977, The Connecticut Mentoring Partnership (CMP) challenges business leaders to help create a statewide mentoring initiative as a prevention strategy to protect youth from drug use, school failure and other related problems. The program provides leadership, resources and training to schools, businesses, community and faith-based organizations throughout the state in an effort to increase mentoring partnerships and promote safe, quality mentoring programs. The Partnership also works to: Raise public awareness: CMP has partnerships with NBC30, CBS Radio, Buckley Radio and others, a statewide media campaign recruits mentors during National Mentoring Month in January. Raising awareness of the importance of mentoring is also done year-round. A toll-free number, 1-877-CT-MENTOR, provides information on mentoring and ties into a statewide database of mentoring programs. Recruit and refer mentors: Business and community groups are assisted in recruiting their workforce or members to serve as mentors. Develop new mentoring resources, including public and private funding; advocate and promote public policies and legislation that strengthen mentoring; and collect and track data. Activities and services of the CMP include: The Mentoring Training Institute; technical assistance and support on Connecticut Quality Standards for mentoring programs and assistance on program design; resources and mentor recruitment, screening, training and program design; Regional Mentoring Networks for program providers; mentor recruitment and a toll-free Mentor Referral Line; annual mentoring showcase conference and workshops; The Mentoring Corporate Honor Roll and Corporate Mentoring Round Table that promotes, supports and recognizes corporate involvement; and program evaluation tools and resources. Since 1997, CMP has created over 200 new programs and more than 3,000 new mentoring relationships. Since 2001, 70 schools and businesses have joined the Partnership’s School Business Mentoring Alliance and 90 companies have been recognized through the 2005 Mentoring Corporate Honor Roll.6 The Urban Mentoring Initiative The Urban Mentoring Imitative (UMI) was created in 2005 in partnership with the state of Connecticut. Over the next two yearsâ€â€2006-2007â€â€the CMP will initiate a mentoring expansion effort in Hartford, Waterbury, Norwich, Bridgeport, New Haven, New Britain and Windham. During that time, The UMI will be responsible for attempting to significantly increase the number of mentors for at-risk children in those communities. This will be done by increasing the capacity of existing mentoring programs to reach more children; developing new mentoring programs and models to address existing gaps; and identifying and accessing additional resources. The two-year funding appropriated by the State legislature will be matched by corporate and private sector monies secured by The Governor’s Prevention Partnership. Project Choice Mentoring Program Project Choice Mentoring Program (PCMP) is dedicated to helping the youth of the City of Hartford. Its mission is to empower committed delinquent youth to make positive life choices that will enable them to maximize their personal potential and be successful in their community. â€Å"The program provides caring mentors who are fully trained and supported by the professional staff of Project Choice and Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters,†according to Eddie Perez, Mayor of Hartford, CT. â€Å"Project Choice mentors strive to be a positive support system to the youth as well as to the family by forming a relationship based on trust and respect. This allows Project Choice mentors to advocate for the youth in academic, community and family settings while opening doors of opportunity that otherwise would not be available to them.†7 Project Choice started as an idea of David Norman in August 2001 at the Connecticut Juvenile Training School (CJTS). Norman took on the challenge of becoming a positive role model for one â€Å"in need†youth. Over time, the youngster responded to Norman’s efforts with improved behavior, causing others to notice the change. As a result, the idea of role model became more widely accepted and the term was gradually changed to mentor. This acceptance allowed Norman and others to work with more youth at the CJTS facility and Project Choice was born. Project Choice works with Connecticut’s Juvenile Justice and â€Å"at-risk†youth between the ages of 11 and 21. The program operates on a â€Å"buy-in†premise. It is completely youth-driven, ensuring that the youth have the option to â€Å"buy-in†(or participate). No participant is forced, mandated or court ordered to be part of the mentoring process. In 2003, Project Choice partnered with Nutmeg Big Brothers Big Sisters (NBBBS). Today, PCMP also is partnered with Boys ; Girls Clubs of America and together with NBBBS, work under the umbrella of Connecticut’s Department of Children and Families, Bureau of Adolescent and Transitional Services. Project Choice also is networked with the One-on-One Mentoring Program. Project Choice again expanded its resources by establishing a formal collaboration with Project Connect. Project Connect specializes in presenting alternative choices to youth and reinforcing the belief that positive behavior yields positive rewards. Youth Fair Chance, Inc. This national project is funded by the Department of Labor. Established on a case-management basis, this Connecticut program targets individuals between the ages of 14 and 25. Focus is on computer, job and life skills training; tutoring, which is conducted four times a week; and informal mentoring. There are no specific project guidelines for the mentoring program, which currently operates on an as-needed basis. Set up within a peer-to-peer mentor atmosphere, Yale University students occasionally provide assistance. Other services offered by Youth Fair Chance include day care, summer employment assistance, support groups, high school diploma equivalency classes and recreational activities. Four youth program areas are presently being developed that will focus on gender-specific prevention programs for female youth. During the 2005-2006 academic school year a follow-up evaluation of the school-based mentoring program was conducted by the Connecticut Mentoring Partnership. One hundred and ninety mentored youth from seven school systems were evaluated.8 The evaluation was viewed as a pilot or exploratory study that would serve as a stepping stone for future evaluations and mentoring research. Overall, the results were positive. The state’s mentoring programs seem to be reaching those individuals who are somewhat academically at-risk and are subsequently able to sustain or improve their academic performance during the course of a mentoring relationship. Footnotes 1Reh, F. John. Mentors and Mentoring: What Is a Mentor? Retrieved December 1, 2006, from 2Mentoring in America 2005: A Snapshot of the Current State of Mentoring. Results of a poll on mentoring commissioned by MENTOR. Retrieved December 1, 2006, from 3 4The Governor’s Partnership Program; Connecticut Mentoring Program. Retrieved on December 1, 2006, from 5 6 7Project Choice Mentoring Program. Received from 8Connecticut Mentoring Partnership 2005-2006 Evaluation Results Executive Summary. Received December 1, 2006, from How to cite Mentoring Programs for At-Risk Youth, Essay examples
Bob marley1 Essay Example For Students
Bob marley1 Essay Bicameral legislature- A congress made up of two houses. In the U. S. it is the senate and the House of Representatives. Constitutional convention agreed to a bicameral legislation. Congressional Sessions- Each term of congress starts on January 3 of odd numbered years and lasts for two years. Sessions- a meeting that takes place twice in congress and usually lasts for most of the year. Congress remains in session until its members vote to adjourn. After adjournment the president may call congress back into meeting as a special session. Membership of the House- a total of 435 members make up the house of representatives. Seats are allotted to each state and the number of seats that state is allowed to have is based on its population. Every state is entitled to at least one seat no matter how small the population is. To qualify to be a member of the house you must be at least 25 years of age, a resident of the US for 7 years and a legal resident of the state you represent.(Usually live in the district they represent. ) Terms of the house are for two years. Representation and reapportionment- the census bureau takes a national census, or population count, every 10 years to assign representation according to population. The population of each state determines the new number of representatives, which is called reapportionment. Congressional Redistricting- The process of setting up new district lines after reapportionment has been completed. Gerrymandering- means that the political party controlling the state government draws a districts boundaries to gain an advantage in elections. The term gerrymandering can be traced to Elbridge Gerry, a governor of Massachusetts. Membership of the Senate- The senate is composed of two senators from each state, thus each state is represented equally. Todays senators includes 100 members2 from each of the 50 states. To qualify as a senator you must at least 30 years old, a citizen of the US for 9 years, and a legal resident of the State they represent. All voters of each state elect senators at-large, or statewide. Unlike a representative of the house a senator serves his or her term for six years, inducting a new senator every two years. A congressmans pay must follow the 27 amendment, which says that the salary voted on by congress will not be in effect till the next session. Exclusion- the right of congress not to seat a member inducted by a majority vote. Censure- a formal disapproval of a members actions. Characteristics- most of the members of congress are lawyers. The others usually in business, banking, and education. Incumbents- Those already in office that win reelection. Political action committees- Provide substantial campaign funds, usually supporting incumbents. Incumbents are successful in reelection because it is easier to raise funds, can represent districts that have been gerrymandered in their partys favor, incumbents are better known to voters, and they use their position and office staff to help solve problems for voters. Constituents- the people in a district represented. Caucus- a closed meeting. Majority Leaders- The speakers top assistant. Their job is to help plan the partys legislative program, steer important bills through the house, and make sure the chairpersons of the many committees finish work on bills important to the party. Whips are assistant floor leaders. The whips job is to watch how majority-party-members intend to vote on bills, to persuade them to vote as their party wishes, and to see that party members are present to vote. Bills- A proposed law. Not actually a law until congress votes and passes it, then the president must sign it. To introduce a bill members drop their idea into a box called a Hopper. .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf , .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .postImageUrl , .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf , .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:hover , .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:visited , .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:active { border:0!important; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:active , .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ube9f125e5146ca0a87f0af8d57dd34bf:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Rap Lyrics Essay After the bill is introduced the speaker of the house sends it to the appropriate committee for study, discussion, and review. Bills are then put onto the house calendars. Calendars- list bills that are up for consideration. 5 different calendars. Union calendar (bills for consideration, house calendar(public bills), private calendar(bills that deal with individual people or places, consent calendar(bills with a unanimous consent to debate out of regular order) , and discharge calendar(Petitions to discharge a bill from committee).Rules committee serves as the traffic
Friday, May 1, 2020
Case Study Analysis Samsung and Tablet Business Model
Question: Discuss about theCase Study Analysisfor Samsung and Tablet Business Model. Answer: Introduction The national business systems are distinct based on the political economy, belief system, and cultural roots of a country. Competition in the technology industry is pushing the South Korean Conglomerate, Samsung to respond by countering its rivals in the market. Samsung operates in different business portfolios including electronics, chemicals, finance and insurance, machinery, and other subsidiaries (Barkema, Chen, George, Luo, and Tsui 2015). The issue has been the conflicting business model that companies in this industry have used. Interestingly, the subsidized tablet business models remain a niche as it is dominated by the Google Nexus 7 and Amazon Kindle Fire seem to be a limiting factor for other entrants (Barrett 2013). In fact, most companies can only sell the tablets where the contents of these firms are available and to consumers who are ready to pay for the content or relevant advertising. Based on the Asian business system that focus on quality to services, the subsidized business model requires a distinct measurement and judgment (Barkema et al. 2015). Currently, many people seem to judge the technology industry depending on the units sold and overall market share. It is essential for the companies to use profits in assessing the performance of the company. To this effect, it would be prudent to judge the Google Nexus 7 and Amazon Kindle Fire should be judged by the profits generated from the content sales and advertising. The business platform has exposed the strength of every player in this mobile tablet strategy. Apple seems to be the strongest company in the tablet platform as evident in its profits and sales (Somaya, Teece, and Wakeman 2012). Similarly, Amazon appears to understand the platform as the subsidized business approaches focuses on the content than applications. To this effect, Amazon needs more time to develop its platform because the Kindle Fire is a new kid on the bloc (Kirk 2012). Besides, Google does never understand the tablet platform because its platform is weak and has failed to hurt its phone sales thus crippling the tablet efforts. In fact, by introducing the Google Nexus 7, the company has confirmed its focus on content than applications. For Samsung, its understanding of tablet platform is moderate. Conversely, the Korean giant has no control over its android operating system. Samsung no longer controls the Android apps and content thus exposing the company to the competiti ve pressure (Bajarin 2014). The Samsungs tablet model appears to be a two-fold. For instance the hardware of the current tablet forms the basis of its value chain. The company has no control over the software, apps, content, and overall ecosystem. Unfortunately, the hardware where it can add value is moving towards commoditization and good enough rapidly (Zeman 2014). The future of the platform between the operating and hardware systems of the competitors remains alive. However, the businesses will succeed based on their business models. For instance, the companies can change the models, because Apps will retain its platform as the tablets take the lead (Kirk 2012). Samsung tablets has nowhere to go and the company must readjust based on the Asian business model to allow it generate substantial profits. The future of the platform will depend on the business model. Unfortunately, the current models are never responsive towards the future. Bibliography Bajarin, Tim. How Apples Business Model Burned Samsung. The Daily Techpinion, September 26, 2014. Barkema, Harry G., Xiao-Ping Chen, Gerard George, Yadong Luo, and Anne S. Tsui. West Meets East: New Concepts and Theories. Academy of Management Journal 58, no. 2(2015): 460-479. Barrett, Paul M. Apple v. Samsung: Three Lessons from the Smartphone Patent Fight. Bloomberg June 5, 2013. Kirk, John. Battle of the Tablet Business Models: Lessons Learned and a Look Ahead. Featured Tech.pnions Samsung, October 5, 2012. Somaya, Deepak, David J. Teece, and Simon Wakeman. Business Models and Patent Strategies in Multi-Invention Context. IVEY Business Journal September/October 2012. Zeman, Eric. Samsungs next Frontier: Apps. InformationWeek April 21, 2014.
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