Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Fight Back And The Scarcity Of Primary Needs Essay
Fight back to the scarcity of primary needs. What does poverty mean? Poverty is the state of being extreme poor. Poverty is about not having sufficient money to meet basic needs which include food, clothing and shelter. According to world bank organization poverty is not just limited to hunger or lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not able to visit doctor. It is not able to have access to school. Being unemployed, fear for the future and living one day at a time are several different phases of poverty. Definition of poverty changes from place to place and with time. Mainly there are two types of poor, one by birth who is in born poor family and another who get poor by his situation like unemployed or lost everything in natural hazard. Poverty is a big issue. If we do not take proper steps now, rich will become richer while poor will become poorer. And these will create two difference among people. There will be two worlds; one where everything would be available with the help of money and other where nothing would available at the cost of life. But if we can cut down this gap between rich and poor, we can form better society with more equality. Unemployment, Drugs and alcohol, lack of education, poor health condition, teen pregnancy and single parent etc. are some of the main factors responsible for poverty. If we work on to eliminate poverty a nation can develop at rapid pace. Economy of country can get a boost. The only way out to this matter is creating jobsShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Kenya s School System949 Words  | 4 Pagesdidn’t consider how many children will now enroll in schools. There was a shortage on teachers and there were no desks or chairs for all the new enrolled students. Basicall y all what the extra students could do was sit on the floor or stand in the back of classroom and listen. 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