Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Fight Back And The Scarcity Of Primary Needs Essay
Fight back to the scarcity of primary needs. What does poverty mean? Poverty is the state of being extreme poor. Poverty is about not having sufficient money to meet basic needs which include food, clothing and shelter. According to world bank organization poverty is not just limited to hunger or lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not able to visit doctor. It is not able to have access to school. Being unemployed, fear for the future and living one day at a time are several different phases of poverty. Definition of poverty changes from place to place and with time. Mainly there are two types of poor, one by birth who is in born poor family and another who get poor by his situation like unemployed or lost everything in natural hazard. Poverty is a big issue. If we do not take proper steps now, rich will become richer while poor will become poorer. And these will create two difference among people. There will be two worlds; one where everything would be available with the help of money and other where nothing would available at the cost of life. But if we can cut down this gap between rich and poor, we can form better society with more equality. Unemployment, Drugs and alcohol, lack of education, poor health condition, teen pregnancy and single parent etc. are some of the main factors responsible for poverty. If we work on to eliminate poverty a nation can develop at rapid pace. Economy of country can get a boost. The only way out to this matter is creating jobsShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Kenya s School System949 Words  | 4 Pagesdidn’t consider how many children will now enroll in schools. There was a shortage on teachers and there were no desks or chairs for all the new enrolled students. Basicall y all what the extra students could do was sit on the floor or stand in the back of classroom and listen. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Teacher Training Of Assistive Instructional Technology
Teacher training in assistive instructional technology (AIT) has been a topic of discussion that has heightened with the drive for differentiated instruction. Although, research has been extensively conducted on pre-service training, not much research has indicated the success of teacher training in assistive instructional technology for in-service experienced teachers (Edyburn, 2014). In an attempt to advance the science in the field of leadership and educational administration in relationship to teacher training and professional development for teachers of students with learning disabilities in the all-inclusive classroom, the research topic the perceptions of experienced regular education English teachers, concerning teacher training in assistive instructional technology in the all-inclusive classroom was developed. This paper will address, the leader of the school’s responsibility to provide teacher training in assistive instructional technology, the inclusion of instructi onal program and curriculum, that reflect the universal design for learning (UDL) and discussions on the benefit of these programs for teacher efficacy, special education student academic growth, and ethical and moral considerations. Literature Review and Application Data retrieved from the Maryland State Department of Education (2012) indicates that the students with individual education plans continue to perform significantly lower than the regular education students in the all inclusiveShow MoreRelatedResearch Based Teaching Strategies Educators Essay1570 Words  | 7 Pagesinclude vision training, support strategies, functional vision training, and orientation and mobility training (Westling Fox, 2009). Vision specialists once believed that students with visual impairments should not use their remaining vision (Geruschat Corn, 2006). Advancements in the medical field, early diagnosis, and interventions have made it possible for the visually impaired to learn how use their remaining vision to complete tasks. One effective strategy is the visual training method. TheRead MoreTeaching The Flexible Learning Program1690 Words  | 7 Pagesmy class have IEP with some type of accommodation. My school dist rict prides itself on being one of the leading districts in technology. Each school has been eqipped I-pad carts, Cromebooks, projectors, clickers and other instructional technology. Since it is in the schools, it has been stressed to use them in our lessons. I personally do not have a problem using technology to a point. In math class you expect students to be able to use calculators, but how much is too much? 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This coursework laid the foundation for future acade mic coursework in education. While the coursework was mainly focused on education theory and reform, I completed a course in instructional pedagogy which included practicum hours at an alternative charter high school in collaboration with Santa Cruz City School and Cabrillo Community College. My overall GPA at UC Santa Cruz was a 3.5 and my GPA in my major coursework was†¦(LOOK THIS
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Pregnancy Life Stage Essay Example For Students
Pregnancy Life Stage Essay Does nutrition status affect fertility? Good overall nutrition, rather thaneating any specific food, greatly improves your chances of conceiving a child. For women, nutrient deficiencies and low-calorie diets at one extreme, andobesity at the other, can disrupt ovulation. Poor nutrition can also have animpact on male fertility. In order to get pregnant, doctors recommend that bothwomen and men eat healthy, exercise and keep a positive mental attitude toincrease chances of fertilization. Eating healthy, exercise and keeping apositive mental attitude are equally important during pregnancy and afterpregnancy. According to, carrying a baby for ninemonths and then providing it with breast milk afterward is a major nutritionalstress on a womans body. Food intake increases only 15-20%, but requirementsfor specific nutrients such as folic acid, zinc, and certain B vitamins mayincrease by 30-100%. In addition, less than optimal nutrition can result inlow-birth weight babies with increased risk of heart disease andnon-insulin-dependent diabetes as adults. ( Bothover-eating and under-eating can adversely affect the qualities and quantitiesof breast milk, which is explained further under Dietary Requirements DuringPregnancy. During pregnancy, nutrients are passed from mother to fetus throughthe placenta, and after birth, through breast-milk. The main vitamins andnutrients needed by mother and fetus is explained in the chart below:Nutrient/Vitamin Amount Needed Benefit Source Protein Need for pregnant women isincreased by 10 to 15 grams daily (1 glass of milk contains 8 grams of protein). Forms structural basis for all new cells and tissues for both the mother andfetus www.tdh.tx Hamlet9 EssayBibliographyNatal Care, The Pregnant Lifestyle.,2000Shanahan, Shelly, Nutririon and Weight., 2000. Plumbo, Peg, WeightGain Reccommendations., 2000. http://www.parentsplace.com http://www.childbirth-connections.com
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Role of the Governess in Jane Eyre free essay sample
Not Just a servant nor a Lady, a governess During the Victorian Times, being a governess was a good occupation for middle- class women who wanted to keep their status. To work as a governess was not an easy Job, but it was one of the few opportunities for women to get a Job. In the novel Jane Eyre, the role of the governess is well represented as Jane is humble and submissive, she has to teach and take care of Adele and her social status is above servants but below her master. To become a governess you had to be not only well educated, but also meek and obedient. These two characteristics were reflected in Jane Eyre as she never nswered in a rude way to Lady Ingram after her insults. Clearly, a governess had to do that and do not answer when they were treated badly because they status did not permit such behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of the Governess in Jane Eyre or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Even though Jane Eyre had a special personality, she received the insults in the way any governess would have received them. A governess was not a servant, nor a master. One of the problems that governesses had to face was their confusing social status because they were not considered servants but they were also below their masters. A governess had to share places with the servants but also hey could attend some family parties in which the other servants could not. Simply put, the governess had a unique status inside the house as there was no other who shared the same category than her. The main role of the governess was to teach and being caretaker of the children. Many families during the Victorian times preferred to have a governess to take care of the children and to teach them as well. It is for this reason that to become a governess you had to be well educated and to manage not only academic areas, but also abilities such as playing the piano, painting and knitting. The governess had also to take care of the children and becoming a second mother, giving them love and teaching them values as well. The boundary of the labor of a governess was not clear and it was up to the families. Some governesses had to be a mother for the children and some others had Just to teach them history or to paint. A governess used to teach languages, geography, music and drawing, but some of them had to teach morals and values as well. What a governess had to do depended basically on the families as they had to draw the line between what they wanted the governess to serve for. The salary of a governess was low and they did not have the chance to earn so much of it. A governess did not receive a lot of money but they did not have to spend any of it in food or to stay in the house, that is why the Job was worthy anyway. In Jane Eyre this situation is appreciated as she did not received a high salary for her Job which meant she did not have money to buy expensive clothing or Jewelry, that is why she looked as a humble woman. The low salary of the governess showed how undervalued was her role in the society. Clearly, education was a big concern in the Victorian times. However, they did not value the role of the educators as they did with the education itself. It is for this reason that the governess received a low salary and was not so different from the salary received by the servants. Governesses were always blamed to be ambitious and become a lady through their masters seduction. This the governesses were always trying to get a better status by winning their masters heart. This problem was presented in Brontes novel as well, through Lady Ingrams dislike with governesses because of this issue. Jane Eyre showed also that the love story between a governess and her master was possible. However, was not as easy as it was showed in the novel. Even though Jane Eyre reflected the personality of a governess, she got some characteristics that made her a special one. Clearly, Jane Eyre always was a person with an interesting personality and that fact was reflected in her Job as well. Miss Eyre was not Just a simple governess; she became her masters friend and eventually, his wife. To have a close relationship with the master was not as easy as it seems in the novel because normally the masters used to consider the governesses inferior and they barely got interested in them. Jane was a strong woman, with clear convictions and independent. These characteristics made Jane a peculiar governess who could touch her masters heart. This young governess was submissive when she felt it was not necessary to start a discussion. However, when she felt she had to be direct and say what she thought she did it without problems. For example, when Mr. Rochester asked her if he was handsome and she answered with an empathic no. The life of a governess was solitary and she did not have much contact with her family. This issue was one of the worst reasons to become a governess because she had to leave everything behind nd to start a new life in her new house. This situation was very sad because most of the governesses lost all the contact they had with their families as they did not have vacations or time to visit them. Jane is an example of the solitary life of a governess as she did not have friends and she could not make them because she spent all the time in Thornfield Hall. Brontes novel permits to have an idea of how the life during the Victorian era was, especially with the role of the governesses. I did not know much about what a governess had to do and how undervalued her Job was. I ould realize that this situation with the educators is not something new and that the governesses had to tolerate the underestimation of their labor as the same as teachers nowadays. Thanks to the novel I also could noticed that the life of a governess was not easy at all and some of them were treated in a very bad way and receiving a low salary for a huge labor and effort. Bibliography The Governess in Nineteenth-Century Literature. Enotes. Well, Erin. The governess and class prejudice Victorian web. 1993. http:// www. victorianweb. org/authors/gaskell/61 n_s7. html Stone, Alan A. Governing Passion. Boston Review.
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