Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Fight Back And The Scarcity Of Primary Needs Essay
Fight back to the scarcity of primary needs. What does poverty mean? Poverty is the state of being extreme poor. Poverty is about not having sufficient money to meet basic needs which include food, clothing and shelter. According to world bank organization poverty is not just limited to hunger or lack of shelter. Poverty is being sick and not able to visit doctor. It is not able to have access to school. Being unemployed, fear for the future and living one day at a time are several different phases of poverty. Definition of poverty changes from place to place and with time. Mainly there are two types of poor, one by birth who is in born poor family and another who get poor by his situation like unemployed or lost everything in natural hazard. Poverty is a big issue. If we do not take proper steps now, rich will become richer while poor will become poorer. And these will create two difference among people. There will be two worlds; one where everything would be available with the help of money and other where nothing would available at the cost of life. But if we can cut down this gap between rich and poor, we can form better society with more equality. Unemployment, Drugs and alcohol, lack of education, poor health condition, teen pregnancy and single parent etc. are some of the main factors responsible for poverty. If we work on to eliminate poverty a nation can develop at rapid pace. Economy of country can get a boost. The only way out to this matter is creating jobsShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Kenya s School System949 Words  | 4 Pagesdidn’t consider how many children will now enroll in schools. There was a shortage on teachers and there were no desks or chairs for all the new enrolled students. Basicall y all what the extra students could do was sit on the floor or stand in the back of classroom and listen. 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However what most failed to realize is that all those issues are interconnected on different levels: any environmental threat neglected will impact the earth, the primary residence of humanRead MoreThe Impacts Of Population Growth1836 Words  | 8 PagesThroughout human history, population growth is one of the most important topics brought into discussion. Globally, there are about 7.2 billion people in the world, and it will rise up to 11 billion or more by the 21st century (Brown). When we look back in the history, population growth has been so slow as to be imperceptible within a single generation, â€Å"Reaching a globally population of 1 billion in 1804 required the entire time since the humans appeared on the scene. To add the second billion, itRead More The Impacts Of Population Growth1836 Words  | 8 PagesThroughout human history, population growth is one of the most important topics brought into discussion. Globally, there are about 7.2 billion people in the world, and it will rise up to 11 billion or more by the 21st century (Brown). When we look back in the history, population growth has been so slow as to be imperceptible within a single generation, â€Å"Reaching a globally population of 1 billion in 1804 required the entire time since the humans appeared on the scene. To add the second billion, itRead MoreAlexander Hamilton, The Bastard Brat Of A Scottish Peddler1395 Words  | 6 Pagesaction. This was a time following the Revolutionary War, which had just put America in an embarrassing amount of debt, and Hamilton was focused on eliminating it. The bank would help in creating a stable currency and credit in order to get America back on it’s feet. As said by Alexander Hamilton himself the purpose of the bank â€Å"is to consist of an association of persons, for the purpose of creating a joint capital, to be employed, chiefly and essentially, in loans.†Now with a national bank thereRead MoreEssay about Teachers in Syria1399 Words  | 6 Pagesadditional strain and tensions on an already distressed and disenfranchised population†(Femia Werell, 2012, para. 5). The rural to urban population movement, along with displaced Iraqi and Palestinian refugees exacerbated the already existing food scarcity and clean water problems in these cities. Young Syrians living through these challenging conditions hoped to find ways to improve the circumstances within Syrian cities. The increased use of technology throughout the Middle East enabled Syrians
Monday, December 16, 2019
Teacher Training Of Assistive Instructional Technology
Teacher training in assistive instructional technology (AIT) has been a topic of discussion that has heightened with the drive for differentiated instruction. Although, research has been extensively conducted on pre-service training, not much research has indicated the success of teacher training in assistive instructional technology for in-service experienced teachers (Edyburn, 2014). In an attempt to advance the science in the field of leadership and educational administration in relationship to teacher training and professional development for teachers of students with learning disabilities in the all-inclusive classroom, the research topic the perceptions of experienced regular education English teachers, concerning teacher training in assistive instructional technology in the all-inclusive classroom was developed. This paper will address, the leader of the school’s responsibility to provide teacher training in assistive instructional technology, the inclusion of instructi onal program and curriculum, that reflect the universal design for learning (UDL) and discussions on the benefit of these programs for teacher efficacy, special education student academic growth, and ethical and moral considerations. Literature Review and Application Data retrieved from the Maryland State Department of Education (2012) indicates that the students with individual education plans continue to perform significantly lower than the regular education students in the all inclusiveShow MoreRelatedResearch Based Teaching Strategies Educators Essay1570 Words  | 7 Pagesinclude vision training, support strategies, functional vision training, and orientation and mobility training (Westling Fox, 2009). Vision specialists once believed that students with visual impairments should not use their remaining vision (Geruschat Corn, 2006). Advancements in the medical field, early diagnosis, and interventions have made it possible for the visually impaired to learn how use their remaining vision to complete tasks. One effective strategy is the visual training method. TheRead MoreTeaching The Flexible Learning Program1690 Words  | 7 Pagesmy class have IEP with some type of accommodation. My school dist rict prides itself on being one of the leading districts in technology. Each school has been eqipped I-pad carts, Cromebooks, projectors, clickers and other instructional technology. Since it is in the schools, it has been stressed to use them in our lessons. I personally do not have a problem using technology to a point. In math class you expect students to be able to use calculators, but how much is too much? Students are relyingRead MoreTeaching Mathematical Problem Solving Math, Technology Education, And Special Education989 Words  | 4 PagesMathematical Problem Solving to Middle School Students in Math, Technology Education, and Special Education Classrooms.RMLE Online: Research in Middle Level Education, 27(1), 1-17. There were two instructional approaches, Enhanced Anchored Instruction (EAI) and text-based instruction (TBI), compared in this study. Both teaching methods were used to teach sixth-grade middle school students how to solve math problems in technology, special education classes and math classrooms.The purpose of thisRead MoreQuantitative and Qualitative Research Questions and Hypothesis1050 Words  | 5 Pagesconfidence both in their own instructional skills and in the quality of support personnel currently provides. General and special education teachers are placed in inclusive classroom settings for the betterment of the student; however, planning is not as effective when general education teachers are not properly trained on or comfortable with the technology. Thousand and Villa (2000) in McLaren, Bausch, amp; Ault (2007), found that providing training for all teachers will result in improved academicRead MoreTechnology Is Rapidly Growing And Changing Our World1218 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology is rapidly growing and changing in our world. Students receiving special education services face challenges both in and outside of the classroom. By using proper technology students’ classroom experience may be improved and they may be more motivated and engaged in learning. Students with disabilities may have difficulty with reading, writing, word recognition, motor skills, and attention. Different types of technology can be utilized to help improve students ability to learn. ThereRead MorePlanning And Implementing Curriculum Accommodation842 Words  | 4 Pagesskills and integrate concepts across social studies topics. These resources might explain topics, themes, and abstract ideas that are too hard to understand in the textbooks (Steele, 2007). To make students with learning problems more successful, the teacher can provide lesson about a particular book, discuss part of the textbook like glossary sections, appendixes, chapters heading, maps questions, illustrations and boldface information, and also may use study guides to explain hard text material beforeRead MoreEssay on History of Special Education in Public Schools2926 Words  | 12 Pagesprovide more assistance and attention. To aid in doing this, many assistive technologies have been developed. An assistive technology, according to The Assistive Technology Act of 1998 is â€Å"any item, piece of equipment, or product system, whether acquired commercially, modified, or customized, that is used to increase, maintain, or improve functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities.†The stepping stone to the Assistive Technolog y Act was the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)Read MoreAlternative Education Programs1010 Words  | 5 Pagesbeing in the regular school setting. There are many methods a school can begin to use to turn an alternative education program around. Some of these ways include the use of activity schedules, community involvement and summer employment, assistive technology, and the instruction of daily living skills. Students with autism spectrum disorders and other students with severe disabilities respond better to stimuli and are able to complete tasks more successfully when these behaviors are predictableRead MoreTexas Dyslexia Reform: Implementing a Policy in Its Infancy Essay1696 Words  | 7 Pageseducation reform (T. Flanders, personal communication, August 30, 2011). Until recently, little consideration was made in the use of assistive technology (AT) for students with mild disabilities, specifically in the field of dyslexia education and intervention (Edyburn, 2006, p. 18). With the passing of Senate Bill 866, concerning the implementation of classroom technology plans for students with dyslexia, the pursuit of reform has become of utmost importance (The Texas State Senate-Information NewsRead MoreI Attend The University Of California938 Words  | 4 Pagescoursework, I completed sixty units of minor coursework in Education. This coursework laid the foundation for future acade mic coursework in education. While the coursework was mainly focused on education theory and reform, I completed a course in instructional pedagogy which included practicum hours at an alternative charter high school in collaboration with Santa Cruz City School and Cabrillo Community College. My overall GPA at UC Santa Cruz was a 3.5 and my GPA in my major coursework was†¦(LOOK THIS
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Pregnancy Life Stage Essay Example For Students
Pregnancy Life Stage Essay Does nutrition status affect fertility? Good overall nutrition, rather thaneating any specific food, greatly improves your chances of conceiving a child. For women, nutrient deficiencies and low-calorie diets at one extreme, andobesity at the other, can disrupt ovulation. Poor nutrition can also have animpact on male fertility. In order to get pregnant, doctors recommend that bothwomen and men eat healthy, exercise and keep a positive mental attitude toincrease chances of fertilization. Eating healthy, exercise and keeping apositive mental attitude are equally important during pregnancy and afterpregnancy. According to, carrying a baby for ninemonths and then providing it with breast milk afterward is a major nutritionalstress on a womans body. Food intake increases only 15-20%, but requirementsfor specific nutrients such as folic acid, zinc, and certain B vitamins mayincrease by 30-100%. In addition, less than optimal nutrition can result inlow-birth weight babies with increased risk of heart disease andnon-insulin-dependent diabetes as adults. ( Bothover-eating and under-eating can adversely affect the qualities and quantitiesof breast milk, which is explained further under Dietary Requirements DuringPregnancy. During pregnancy, nutrients are passed from mother to fetus throughthe placenta, and after birth, through breast-milk. The main vitamins andnutrients needed by mother and fetus is explained in the chart below:Nutrient/Vitamin Amount Needed Benefit Source Protein Need for pregnant women isincreased by 10 to 15 grams daily (1 glass of milk contains 8 grams of protein). Forms structural basis for all new cells and tissues for both the mother andfetus www.tdh.tx Hamlet9 EssayBibliographyNatal Care, The Pregnant Lifestyle.,2000Shanahan, Shelly, Nutririon and Weight., 2000. Plumbo, Peg, WeightGain Reccommendations., 2000. http://www.parentsplace.com http://www.childbirth-connections.com
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Role of the Governess in Jane Eyre free essay sample
Not Just a servant nor a Lady, a governess During the Victorian Times, being a governess was a good occupation for middle- class women who wanted to keep their status. To work as a governess was not an easy Job, but it was one of the few opportunities for women to get a Job. In the novel Jane Eyre, the role of the governess is well represented as Jane is humble and submissive, she has to teach and take care of Adele and her social status is above servants but below her master. To become a governess you had to be not only well educated, but also meek and obedient. These two characteristics were reflected in Jane Eyre as she never nswered in a rude way to Lady Ingram after her insults. Clearly, a governess had to do that and do not answer when they were treated badly because they status did not permit such behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on The Role of the Governess in Jane Eyre or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Even though Jane Eyre had a special personality, she received the insults in the way any governess would have received them. A governess was not a servant, nor a master. One of the problems that governesses had to face was their confusing social status because they were not considered servants but they were also below their masters. A governess had to share places with the servants but also hey could attend some family parties in which the other servants could not. Simply put, the governess had a unique status inside the house as there was no other who shared the same category than her. The main role of the governess was to teach and being caretaker of the children. Many families during the Victorian times preferred to have a governess to take care of the children and to teach them as well. It is for this reason that to become a governess you had to be well educated and to manage not only academic areas, but also abilities such as playing the piano, painting and knitting. The governess had also to take care of the children and becoming a second mother, giving them love and teaching them values as well. The boundary of the labor of a governess was not clear and it was up to the families. Some governesses had to be a mother for the children and some others had Just to teach them history or to paint. A governess used to teach languages, geography, music and drawing, but some of them had to teach morals and values as well. What a governess had to do depended basically on the families as they had to draw the line between what they wanted the governess to serve for. The salary of a governess was low and they did not have the chance to earn so much of it. A governess did not receive a lot of money but they did not have to spend any of it in food or to stay in the house, that is why the Job was worthy anyway. In Jane Eyre this situation is appreciated as she did not received a high salary for her Job which meant she did not have money to buy expensive clothing or Jewelry, that is why she looked as a humble woman. The low salary of the governess showed how undervalued was her role in the society. Clearly, education was a big concern in the Victorian times. However, they did not value the role of the educators as they did with the education itself. It is for this reason that the governess received a low salary and was not so different from the salary received by the servants. Governesses were always blamed to be ambitious and become a lady through their masters seduction. This the governesses were always trying to get a better status by winning their masters heart. This problem was presented in Brontes novel as well, through Lady Ingrams dislike with governesses because of this issue. Jane Eyre showed also that the love story between a governess and her master was possible. However, was not as easy as it was showed in the novel. Even though Jane Eyre reflected the personality of a governess, she got some characteristics that made her a special one. Clearly, Jane Eyre always was a person with an interesting personality and that fact was reflected in her Job as well. Miss Eyre was not Just a simple governess; she became her masters friend and eventually, his wife. To have a close relationship with the master was not as easy as it seems in the novel because normally the masters used to consider the governesses inferior and they barely got interested in them. Jane was a strong woman, with clear convictions and independent. These characteristics made Jane a peculiar governess who could touch her masters heart. This young governess was submissive when she felt it was not necessary to start a discussion. However, when she felt she had to be direct and say what she thought she did it without problems. For example, when Mr. Rochester asked her if he was handsome and she answered with an empathic no. The life of a governess was solitary and she did not have much contact with her family. This issue was one of the worst reasons to become a governess because she had to leave everything behind nd to start a new life in her new house. This situation was very sad because most of the governesses lost all the contact they had with their families as they did not have vacations or time to visit them. Jane is an example of the solitary life of a governess as she did not have friends and she could not make them because she spent all the time in Thornfield Hall. Brontes novel permits to have an idea of how the life during the Victorian era was, especially with the role of the governesses. I did not know much about what a governess had to do and how undervalued her Job was. I ould realize that this situation with the educators is not something new and that the governesses had to tolerate the underestimation of their labor as the same as teachers nowadays. Thanks to the novel I also could noticed that the life of a governess was not easy at all and some of them were treated in a very bad way and receiving a low salary for a huge labor and effort. Bibliography The Governess in Nineteenth-Century Literature. Enotes. Well, Erin. The governess and class prejudice Victorian web. 1993. http:// www. victorianweb. org/authors/gaskell/61 n_s7. html Stone, Alan A. Governing Passion. Boston Review.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Spanish Words for Get
Spanish Words for Get Get is one of those English verbs that is notoriously difficult to translate. It has a wide variety of meanings and is also used in quite a few idioms. Each of them needs to be looked at individually to determine how best to say it in Spanish. Here are some of the most common meanings of get and ways that you can say them in Spanish. Fast Facts The English verb get has a long list of meanings, so it there are many verbs that can be used to translate it into Spanish.Many phrases using get cannot be translated word for word into Spanish.One of the most common meanings of get is obtain, which can often be translated using obtener or conseguir. When 'Get' Means 'Obtain' Common Spanish verbs meaning get in the sense of obtaining include obtener (conjugated in the same way as tener) and conseguir (conjugated in the same way as seguir): Voy a obtener la licenciatura que siempre quise. (Im going to get the degree Ive always wanted.)Diseà ±an un barco que obtiene su energà a de las olas. (They are designing a boat that gets its energy from the waves.)El gobierno canadiense consiguià ³ voto de confianza. (The Canadian government got a vote of confidence.)Te conseguimos el mejor precio para tu coche nuevo. (We got you the best price for your new car.) If get carries with it the ideas of obtaining and bringing, the verb traer can often be used: Treme dos galletas, por favor. (Get me two cookies, please. Recibir is frequently used with certain nouns as in recibir un prà ©stamo (to get a loan), recibir una respuesta (to get a response), recibir un e-mail (to get an email), and recibir un trasplante (to get a transplant). When 'Get' Refers to a Change in Emotions It is common in English to say that a person gets angry, gets sad, gets happy, and so on. Many of those phrases have particular verbs to express the thought in Spanish. Among them: enfadarse (to get angry). entristecerse (to get sad), alegrarse (to get happy), preocuparse (to get worried), and confundirse (to get confused). It is also possible to use the verb ponerse to indicate a change in emotions. Me puse feliz al leer su mensaje. (I got happy when I read your message.)Se puso triste porque fue a la nevera a buscar mi botella de agua y estaba vacà a. (He got sad because he went to the refrigerator to look for his bottle of water and it was empty.)Mi decisià ³n se debià ³ sencillamente a que me fastidià © de depender de la nicotina. (My decision came about simply because I got annoyed at depending on nicotine.)En ocasiones me exaspero. (Sometimes I get impatient.) When 'Get' Refers to Success Among the verb choices when get is used to refer to the meeting of a goal are llegar a and conseguir. Either of them are typically followed by an infinitive. No llegaron a ver la luz del dà a. (They didnt get to see daylight.)Lleguà © a estudiar a Santiago en 1982. (I got to study in Santiago in 1982.)Consiguieron mirar una pelà cula de la accià ³n de Hong Kong. (They got to watch an action film from Hong Kong.) 'Get' Meaning 'To Understand' Either entender or comprender can usually be used for to understand. The verbs are usually interchangeable, although entender is more common in most areas. No lo entiendo/comprendo. (I dont get it.)No entiende/comprende por quà © no le preguntà ³ por su nà ºmero de telà ©fono. (He doesnt get why she never asked him for his telephone number.) 'Get' Meaning 'To Earn' Ganar can usually be used in the sense of get when it means earn whether referring to money or something less tangible such as a victory. Gana cien pesos por hora. (She gets 100 pesos per hour.)El ejà ©rcito mexicano finalmente ganà ³ la victoria ms increà ble de la historia militar. (The Mexican army finally got the most incredible victory in military history.) 'Get' for Arriving Llegar can be used to speak of getting to a location. Llegà ³ a casa a las cinco. (He got home at 5.)No llegarà © a la oficina. (I will not get to the office.) Phrases Using 'Get' The English verb get is part of many phrases - many of them phrasal verbs - that cant be translated word for word into Spanish. Here are some of the most common with possible translations: Get across: Hacerle entender algo for getting someone to understand something; cruzar de un lado a otro for going from one side to another. Get along: Marcharse or irse when meaning to go away; progresar when meaning to progress; funcionar when meaning to function or to work in that sense. To get along with someone is llevarse bien con alguien. Get around: Salir a menudo when meaning to get from place to place. Get ahead: Tener à ©xito or abrirse camino for getting ahead in life; tomar la delantera for getting ahead of someone. Get around: Circular or difundirse for news or gossip; evitar, solventar or sortear for getting around an obstacle or problem; convencer or persuadir for getting around a person. Get away: Escaparse for escaping; irse or salir for leaving; salir impune or irse de rositas for avoiding responsibility. Get dirty: Ensuciarse or mancharse when referring to physical filth; hacer trampa for cheating at a game. Get back: Volver for returning; retirarse or apartarse for retreating. Get better: Mejorar. Get bigger: Crecer. Get by: Arreglrselas or apaà ±rselas for managing to do something; pasar for passing a person or thing. Get high: Ponerse colocado or ponerse flipado when referring to a drug-induced high; ascender a un lugar alto for moving to a high place. Get down: Usually bajar or bajarse. To get down on ones knees is ponerse de rodillas. Get dressed: Vestirse. Get in: Entrar when meaning to enter. Get into: Entrar when meaning to enter; subir a when referring to a vehicle; adquirir el hbito for getting into a habit; empezar a disfrutar for getting into an activity; hacer cola for getting into a line; meterse en for getting into a career. Get in trouble: Meterse en problemas or meterse en un là o. Get married: Usually casarse. El 20 de septiembre nos casamos Alicia y yo. On Sept. 20 Alicia and I are getting married. Get off: Bajarse for getting off a vehicle such as a bus; irse for leaving; escaparse for avoiding punishment. Get on: Subir a or montarse for getting on a vehicle or horse; seguir or continuar for continuing an activity; hacerse viejo for getting on in years; progresar for progressing. Get out: Irse or salir for leaving; bajarse for getting out of a vehicle; levantarse for getting out of bed; sacar for removing an object or sacarse for removing oneself. Get over: Recobrarse or recuperarse for getting over an illness. The idea of youll get over it can be expressed by ya te se pasar or no te importar. Get started: Comenzar or empezar. Get to business: Ir al grano. Get to (do something): To have the opportunity to is tener la oportunidad de (hacer algo). Get up: To arise is levantarse. Verbs with similar meanings include despertarse for getting out of bed and ponerse de pie for standing up. Get worse: Empeorar.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Best College Planners 9 Apps for Managing Your Studying and Finance
Best College Planners 9 Apps for Managing Your Studying and Finance The technological era that we live in makes our lives easier every day. Now you dont need to go and buy a daily planner to fill out with your pencil – you can just download the app and have all of your weekly and monthly plans right at hand. But there are so many apps available on the market, so how can you choose the one that will be convenient particularly for you? We explored the majority of the existing apps to make a list which you can use to pick the app that will be handy for you. So, lets dive into the digital world and discuss features of the most used apps are. Education 1 myHomework Student Planner Price: Free or $4.99 Premium per year Rating: 4.6 The planner is very simple to use, and it has an attractive interface. You just need to add your classes to the general schedule or specify the days of the week and the time for your extracurricular activities. The best feature of this app is the ability to add the due dates and quick notes about each assignment that you have to complete while tracking the deadlines – you will see which due dates are upcoming. You can download the app from the AppStore or GooglePlay. 2 My Study Life Price: Free Rating: 4.7 This app is one of the most popular college student planners, and it is all about having all of your classes and exams schedules placed in your pocket. If you struggle with remembering the dates of your tests or assignment due, choose this app. It is especially convenient for students who have two-week timetables. This is one of the best organizers for college students which you can get for free. This application allows you to sync your notes and plans across all of your devices, track assignment progress and get customized reminding notifications about upcoming classes or exams. The app is available for various kind of devices on iOS, Android, and Windows. Feeling stressed for upcoming finals? Check out the article which will help you to survive through the finals week. 3 Egenda Price: Free Rating: 4.7 Egenda is a popular app among high school and college students due to its convenience and utility. This is a perfect option to choose when you need a helper for: Scheduling your day Reminding about the assignments that are due Adding notes and timetables Egenda is used by so many students because it is simple to use and completely free. You can manage your tests, exams and even quizzes. Notes can be sorted by classes or even the due date which helps you to be right on time with your homework. If you have to perform a task for your English class, check out another list of the useful apps that we have gathered for you the list of apps to make you fluent in English. This app is definitely more useful than a regular daily planner or a 12 months planner, and its always with you to remind you about the next class or test. Available for download from AppStore and GooglePlay. 4 School Planner Price: Free Rating: 4.6 If you havent heard about this app yet, then you probably live under the rock because the majority of students say that School Planner is one of the most powerful personalized planners for college students with an attractive interface. The beauty is in the simplicity of the interface and handy features, such as the abilities to: record lectures manage tasks, grades and subjects create customized timetables It syncs within all your devices, providing a backup in case of need, saves teachers contact info, and calculates average grade automatically. Get it for your Android right now! 5 HomeworkApp Price: Free Rating: 4.7 The name of this app speaks for itself. This is what your parents wish theyd had when they were in college and what now you can have on your phone. It is a simple yet very effective and helpful tool to organize all the homework assignments. Goal setting, progress tracking, customizable calendar and many more other features of this app are the main reasons for many students all over the world to use it on a daily basis. This app is a perfect way to get convenient weekly spreads and customizable design at the same time. Download it for your Android. 6 Timetable Price: Free Rating: 4.2 If you are looking for something more minimalistic, then this app is for you. You can create a schedule for the whole year. The only thing you need to do is to add the information about your classes and exams. You can adjust your schedule according to the cycle of one, two, three or four weeks, get notifications and search in your classes or tasks. Get the app on Google Play and enjoy your perfect layouts which, as the users of digital monthly planners say, are very convenient for both college and high school students. Financial Planning for Students Many college students face the need to track not only their studies but also their budget. Its often hard to stick to your limited budget when there are so many events that you want to attend. If you want to use your money rationally and find a useful tool for college financial planning, download one of these useful finance planning apps. 7 Mint Price: Free Rating: 4.7 If you need to track your spendings throughout your school year, choose this app and plan your budget without any struggles. Mint allows you to keep information about your bank accounts and bills together, sort your spendings by the categories, and track credit usage. Get it on Google Play or App Store. 8 Money Manager Expense and Budget Price: Free Rating: 4.6 Would you like to have a personal accountant to manage your budget? If hiring one is too expensive for you, then just download this app and have all of your expenses completely organized and tracked. If you wonder how much money you can spend on a party and with no damage to your monthly budget, you can calculate it with this simple but effective manager. Also, you can manage your cards and get instant monthly statistics of your incomings and expenses. Available for iOS and Android. 9 Goodbudget: Budget Finance Price: Free Rating: 4.6 No more struggling with a budget for college students. Download the app and start tracking all of your spendings. Learn how to plan your budget and manage your credit cards and cash. Any college student who frequently runs out of money needs such a helper. Especially, if you need to stick to the limited budget that you can spend on groceries (by the way, we also have great ideas on how you can eat well and save your money). Available for Android and iOS. Wrapping Up We hope you liked our list of the best college planners and organizers and found it useful. Having such a helper available all the time can make your studying much easier and also teach you some time and budget management skills.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Emotional Abuse in Children Annotated Bibliography
Emotional Abuse in Children - Annotated Bibliography Example He looks at the various psychological impacts the abuse can lead to in children and also some of the measures that can be put up to minimize the damage that is inflicted on children who have been victims. In addition, he states some of the ways that can be used to detect the abuse early enough so that intervention can be made to limit the permanent damage that the abuse may inflict in the children and caregivers. He states that before any action is taken, there needs to be effective confirmation of emotional abuse of the child. This will be done by a close observation of the interaction between the child and the abuser. This will be done on repeated occasions, and if abuse is suspected, action will have to be taken regardless of whether the action is committed at home, school or community setting. The caregiver will have to investigate any reports that arise of any sort of abuse as these will easily contribute to child abuse. After investigation has been conducted by Children Protection Agency, the team will provide professional opinion from say a doctor, physician or psychologist. Furthermore, other stakeholders in the legal aspect will have to be involved to ensure that all the proper actions are taken including rehabilitating the child to ensure they recover from the negative actions that they may have suffered (O’Hagan, 1993). Tomison is a renown Author and Human Rights Activist who has specialized in areas such as Child abuse and Violence prevention, relationships between different forms of violence, Indigenous child protection and child welfare as well as Child protection policy and systems development. He has worked for the Australian Centre for Criminology at different capacities over the years. Dr Joe Tucci on the other hand is a trained Sociologist and Psychologist who possesses significant experience in dealing with issues to do with children. He is also a renowned author and currently the C.E.O of the Australian
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
An eclectic slant towards a functional education Essay
An eclectic slant towards a functional education - Essay Example Viewed on a micro level, there seems to be nothing wrong with it; however, when it is seen on a much larger scale, many problems begin to surface out. Although it might be a sweeping generalization to claim that most high schools in the United States exist in order to prepare their students for higher education, it still remains a fact that the existing curricula in the Unites States are mainly geared towards making them smart â€Å"test takers.†According to sociologists, educators definitely have their own reasons for designing their respective programs of study; and undeniably, each state or even district has its own set of curricula. Nevertheless, it still cannot be categorically denied that most high schools in the United States exist in order to prepare their students for tertiary education. This can be clearly seen in the curricula of most public and private learning institutions wherein math, science, and humanities take up a large chunk of their learning time. What do es this tell us? Simple. They are being molded to the kind of citizens they expect them to be without thoroughly considering the existing needs and demands of the society. The bandwagon still wins. Medicine, law, business management, banking and finance, and other related courses still rank (and perhaps perceived) as the most desirable fields of endeavor. As a result, high school graduates dream of becoming one; and they cannot be blamed for aiming to become one due to the glamour, prestige and financial rewards that such professions provide. However, for the society to function well, it needs to have different kinds of people with different skills and discipline that can help towards the realization of its goal: dynamic growth and development.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Ethics - Food Essay Example for Free
Ethics Food Essay Although most people do not realize it, patrons of food establishments place their lives in the establishments hands. Improper storing and labeling of food items or selling slightly-expired food can be tempting from a financial perspective but can lead to serious injury or worse due to food poisoning, cross-contamination or allergic reactions. Food establishments should include firm commitments to food safety in their codes of ethics, always placing food safety above financial concerns. This includes going beyond the letter of the law to enforce the highest product quality standards. A code of ethics should include a commitment to sell only healthy products and never to use harmful ingredients. (http://smallbusiness. chron. com/code-ethics-food-establishments-10815. html) Delicious This Code of Ethics describes standards of conduct for Healthylicious board members, officers, managers and all other employees of Heakthylicious, and has been approved by the Healthylicious Restaurant Group, Inc. Board of Directors. Many of the policies in this Code are based on various laws and regulations. Other are based on business and ethical principles than enhance Healthylicious ability to conduct its business effectively. Others restate basic work rules and principles contained in the Employee Handbook. The purpose of the Code is to provide guidance and set common ethical standards each of us must adhere to on a consistent basis. It governs the actions and working relationships of board members, officers, managers and all other employees in dealing with fellow employees, guests, competitors, vendors, suppliers, governmental and self-regulatory agencies, the media, and anyone else with whom our company has contact. These relationships are essential to the continued success of Healthylicious restaurant . (www. mortons. com/assets/pdf/code_of_ethics. pdf? ) This Code: †¢ Requires the highest standards for honest and ethical conduct, including proper and ethical procedures for dealing with conflicts of interest between personal and professional relationships. †¢ Requires full, fair, accurate, timely and understandable disclosure in reports and documents that Mortons files with, or submits to, governmental and regulatory agencies, and in other public communications made by Mortons. †¢ Requires compliance with applicable governmental laws, rules and regulations. †¢ Requires the prompt internal report of any illegal behavior or violations of the Code. †¢ Establishes accountability for adherence to the Code. †¢ Provides for methods to communicate violations of the code. * We consider moral as an inevitable factor in caring on any duties talking decisions. We try to follow the highest standards based on Sincerity, generosity, conscientious. * We carry on the affairs individually groups to bring about validity to our company. * We at all times spend all of our energy resources towards production and services to guarantee our success against our competitor. * We behave equally towards all our guests all race religion, nationally and beliefs. * We offer all our services productions in highest standard with perfect constancy. * We provide a safe sanitary environment for all our guests and personal. * We try to stay for good at highest position in majority in word, practice ethic affairs. * We promote knowledge, education experience and motivation for all the staff in order to do their duties in a higher standard. * We provide equal opportunities for anyone to carry on their duties and all the staff which is working in similar level would be evaluated no differently. * We fully try to protect the natural environment and resources while carry on our duties. * We are looking for a fair share of income, no more or less. an. Our Mission †¢ To provide a wholesome dining experience, with Top Quality food, healthy and a staff that wants to exceed the CUSTOMERS expectations!! Our Vision †¢ To maintain a profitable operation that will continue our TRADITION of Quality Family dining, at a reasonable cost, in a comfortable atmosphere, with exceptional service. Our Values †¢ We are in business to meet our customer’s needs. †¢ We believe in empowering our staff to resolve customers concerns on the spot. We treat our employees as we want them to treat our customers. †¢ We believe in continuing our Family Tradition. †¢ We believe in you the customer, and by this tradition we will continue to make a reasonable profit, that will allow us to remain competitive, healthy, community involved, and a Family Restaurant where generation will continue to gather. †¢ We seek your comments, for we realize to exceed your expectations, we need to know what they are. †¢ Your safety, health, comfort, nourishment and Quality Service are Number One to US!!!
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Plagiarism: Students Are Not To Blame Essay -- Critical Thinking Essays
Is plagiarism really occurring on college campuses? Should it be considered a serious offense? Do the students who plagiarize know that what they are doing is wrong? These are some of the questions that Edward M. White discusses in his essay â€Å"Student Plagiarism as an Institutional and Social Issue.†Being a professor himself, White sees firsthand the occurrence of cheating on college campuses. He claims that blatant plagiarism â€Å"subverts the very nature of education and reflects some aspects of what is worst in American society†because it is morally wrong (202). The backing for his claim is the fact that plagiarizing is stealing someone else’s words. Thus he warrants that anything morally wrong undermines education and shows the worst side of our society. There are many instances in which it is completely clear that the student is knowingly plagiarizing. There are also instances in which the student may be confused about plagiarism. This essay discusses the fact that student plagiarism is rampant on college campuses, but the blame may not lie entirely with the students. In his essay, White claims that the amount of student plagiarism is shocking, but the teachers need to make sure that students have been taught about citing sources. Many professors automatically assume that students have been taught everything they need to know for the class beforehand. If the students were supposed to learn something in a previous class they may have a good reason not to know it. The teacher may not have gotten through all the material or may have missed something. The student may have been sick and missed a day. Another reason teachers need to be held accountable for a small part in student plagiarism is because many ... ...not wholly be the students’ fault. This may make the readers who think the students are out of control reconsider their beliefs. Some people may not have thought about students who have not been taught any better. They might automatically think the worst of the students. White has valid claims and reasons in his essay. He uses logos, ethos, and pathos well. This essay appeals to colleges and universities all over the United States. Most, if not all, colleges have problems with plagiarism on campus. One thing to be learned from White’s essay is that â€Å"plagiarism is outrageous because it reverses education itself†(207). Colleges and universities need to â€Å"make academic honesty not only the best but the only possible policy†(White 206). Both faculty and students need to work together to rid these institutions of such immoral behavior as plagiarism.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Grade 12 Chemistry Notes – History and Development
3. 1 & 3. 2 Chemistry Notes Dalton * In 1805, John Dalton reintroduced the idea to explain 3 fundamental principles Experimental Work * Atoms of different elements have different properties * Law of definite proportion and multiple compositions: atoms of 2 or more elements can combine in a fixed ratio to form new substances depending on their combining capacities (eg. H2O vs H2O2) * Law of conservation of mass: atoms cannot be created or destroyed during a chemical reaction Conclusions * All matter is composed of atoms Atoms are the smallest pieces of matter and cannot be broken down further * All atoms of one element have identical properties Problem * Development of a cathode ray tube (by William Crookes) Thompson (1897) Experimental Work * Used a cathode ray tube a vacuum tube with electrodes at both ends * Found that there were charged particles that were travelling from one end of the tube to the other (from negative end to positive end) Conclusion * Proposed that an atom was a positively charged empty sphere containing negatively charged electrons raisin scone analogy What Thompson left us with? Atoms consist of negative electrons embedded within a positively charged sphere * Analogy of raisin bun often used Milikin’s Famous Oil Drop Experiment * Determined size and charge on electron * Discovered charge on single electron was 1. 6 x 10^19 C How it worked? * Knew mass of single drop of oil, calculated gravity on one drop * Charge was applied to falling drops by illuminating bottom chamber with x-rays, exciting electrons, causing them to attach to oil. * Using a battery, electric voltage was applied to the plates.When just right, the electromagnetic force would balance out the force of gravity, suspending particles in midair. * Noticed charge was always multiples of 1. 6 x 10^19 * Q= mg/E Gold Foil Experiment * Radioactive particles (alpha radiation) were fired at thin gold sheets * Screens coated with zinc sulfide detected the presence of the alpha radiation * Vast majority of alpha particles passed straight through gold sheet, however, approximately 1 in 8000 particles were deflected Chadwick and the Neutron When calculating the mass of specific nuclei, the calculated mass did not correlate with the associated charge of the nucleus * Chadwick proposed that neutral particles must be present to make up for the missing mass * Chadwick proposed a positive nucleus containing neutral particles Isotopes * Mass spectrometers were used to discover that all atoms of the same element were not the same * Elements contained several different forms of isotopes (atoms with the same number of protons, but different numbers of neutrons) Problem with the Rutherford Model Physics – bodies are accelerating when they change speed and/or direction * And electron travelling in a circular orbit is constantly changing its direction and therefore accelerating * This acceleration would result in the electrons emitting electromagnetic radiation, lose electrons, and collapsing the atom as it continuously spirals inward because it is losing electrons Enter Max Plank * Her was studying the emission of light from hot objects * What is visible light? When objects are heated, they emit various colors of light depending on how hot the object is * Ex. â€Å"white hot†objects are emitting the whole range of the visible spectrum * â€Å"red hot†objects emit light with wavelength of the infrared – longest wavelength * â€Å"blue hot†objects are the hottest as they emit light of shortest wavelength * Hot objects emit radiation. The hotter they are, the more energetic the radiation emitted is. The electromagnetic radiation changes as the object gets hotter. * The color of light emitted reveals temperature Explaining Intensity vs.Energy – The staircase which changed physics * Planck suggested that energies of the vibrating atoms in the heated solid were multiples of small quantities of energy (energ y was not continuous) * Introduced the term â€Å"quantum†* The slope is actually more like a staircase * Each step represents a ‘quanta’ of energy * A quanta is derived from quantity and refers to the smallest possible unit of energy that can be associated with a specific sub-microscopic even * An atom has to absorb or release an entire package (quanta) of energy or none at all.There is no ‘in between’ Heinrich Hertz: the photoelectric effect * Photoelectric effect when light is shone on a metal surface, electrons are released from the surface of the metal. The number of electrons released per second can be measured by a connected ammeter * Frequency is different from intensity. Electrons will only jump off if the frequency is right, however, how many electrons jump off will depend on the intensity of the light. How fast they jump off will also increase with higher frequency * The amount of energy in a light wave is proportionally related to its fr equency.High frequency light has high energy, low frequency light has low energy (violet has the most energy and red has the least) Einstein puts 2 and 2 together * In 1905, Einstein received the Nobel Prize for applying Planck’s idea to the photoelectric effect * When light strikes metal, some of the energy is used to allow the electron to break free from the metal, the rest of the energy is left over as the kinetic energy of the ejected electron * If one electron absorbs one photon (quanta of energy), it must be great enough or the electron to be able to escape * No electrons escape at low photon energies because the energy of the single photon was insufficient for the electron to escape the metal Energy of Quanta of Energy – Photons * E = h x f, where E is the amount of energy in joules (J), h is Planck’s constant 6. 6 x 10^-34, and f is the frequency in hertz * A photon is a packet of energy, with energy values corresponding to the frequency of the electroma gnetic wave Einstein’s Proposals Light is quantized like a particle (photon) * Light exist as bundles of photons, with each photon independent of each other * This means that light has certain particle properties as well * The energy of a photon is proportional to its frequency and nothing else. * Therefore, a phonon is a small packet of energy corresponding to a specific frequency of light (E=hf) Spectroscopy The spectroscope was invented by Robert Bunsen and Gustav Kirchhoff in the 1850s to study light * When white light passes through spectroscope (containing a prism or diffraction grating), the light is divided into a continuous rainbow of colors (continuous spectrum) Bunsen and Kirchhoff (1859): invented the spectroscope * When elements were heated in a Bunsen burner flame, each element produced a flam color and a bright line spectrum that was characteristic of the element * Continuous Spectrum – a display of all colors.It comes from the â€Å"dispersion†( refraction) of white light passing through a prism * Dark Line spectrum (absorption spectrum) – certain colors are missing from a display of colors produced by white light passing through a gas and then through a prism. These missing lines enable scientists to identify the gas that the light passed through * Bright line spectrum (emission spectrum) – when a gas is â€Å"energized†by electricity or heat or light, the gas emits light of a specific color (not white light). When this light is passed through a prism it is refracted into a pattern of a few bright lines of color.Each substance has a unique, bright line â€Å"signature†. This pattern of colored lines represents the same pattern of dark lines of missing color in the dark line spectrum] Bohr’s theory was needed to explain the bright/dark spectrum and Einstein’s photons 1. Electrons travel in an atom in circular orbits. Each orbit represents a specific energy level. All electrons in o ne orbit/energy level will have the same amount of energy, which is quantized (discrete packet) 2. There is maximum number of electrons allowed in each orbit 3. When electrons absorb a photon of light, they jump from a lower energy level to a higer energy level.This absorption of a photon of light energy results in a dark line in the absorption spectrum 4. When electrons jump from a higher energy level to a lower energy level, energy is released as a photon of light. This release of photon from the atom results in the bright line in the emission spectrum 5. When electrons are at the lowest energy level, they are in â€Å"ground state†How does Bohr’s Energy levels of electrons relate to the periodic table? * Each period represents one energy level – Period 1 1 Energy level, Period 2 2 energy levels, etc. There is a maximum number of electrons in each lever (level 1 2 electrons, level 2 8 electrons, level 3 8 electrons) Power Point 2 Problems with Planetary Model * If electrons were accelerating, photons of electromagnetic radiation should be emitted * Obviously this is not the case * The Rutherford planetary model is insufficient as a model to explain matter Quantum Theory * All electrons in all atoms can be described by 4 unique quantum numbers * Quantum numbers are used to describe the approximate location and characteristics of electrons surrounding an atom based on the energy levels of an atom * There are 4 quantum numbers Principle quantum number (n) * Designates main E level of electron * Secondary quantum number (l) * Describes E sublevels of electrons * Magnetic Quantum Number (ml) * Relates to direction of electron orbit * Spin Quantum number (ms) * Relates to the spin of an electron Principle Quantum Number (n) * n=1, 2, 3, 4 etc. * n=1 means Energy level 1 and so on Secondary Quantum number, l * (l) describes shapes of sublevels (subshells) of the main energy level * Sommerfeld looked more closely at the H line spectrum. Found t hat main lines of bright line spectrum split into more lines. The number of sublevels equals the value of the principle quantum number * Has integral values from 0 to (n-1) for each value of n * If n=3, then there are three sublevels. L = 0, 1, 2 * Each l number represents a possible shape of the orbital. (hence if l=0, 1, 2, then there are 3 possible shapes) Third Quantum Number: Magnetic Quantum number, ml * describes the orientation of electron orbital in space (therefore orbitals could exist at different angles to each other in 3-d) * For each value of l, ml, can vary from -1 to 1 Shapes of Orbitals ‘s’ (l=0) orbital is spherical, ml = 0 * ‘p’ (l=1) , ml = -1, 0, 1 * ‘d’ (l=2) , ml = -2, -1, 0, 1, 2 * ‘f’ (l=3) orbitals are much more complex, ml = -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3 Classification of Energy Subshells * Each distinct sublevel has specific number of orbitals. * Each orbital has a different orientation The spin quantum number, ms * Pauli – each electron spins on its axis in one of 2 ways clockwise or counterclockwise * The spin quantum possesses only two values; either +1/2 (clockwise) or -1/2 (counter-clockwise) New Orbital Way Orbitals are 3 dimensional probability distribution graphs which help chemists visualize where electrons are most likely to be found Electron Orbitals * An electron orbital is described as the region of space where an electron may be found * Orbits are rings surrounding the nucleus, whereas orbitals are probability clouds or clouds of electron density * More than one orbital can be found within an energy level Pauli’s Exclusion Principle * No two electrons in an atom can have the same 4 quantum numbers!
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Failure to maintain the rule of law Essay
The government’s repeated failures to bring levels of violent crime under control contributed to an environment which saw people resort to violence without fear of arrest or successful prosecution. In failing to maintain the rule of law the state had conditioned many poor communities to violent behaviour. The failure to protect communities from criminal elements and to remove those elements had allowed criminals to take full advantage of chaos and disorder to rob, rape, and loot during the violent uprisings. Incompetence in the ministry of safety and security, falling standards in the South African Police Service, corruption up to the highest levels of the police, and affirmative action had eroded the capacity of the police to provide a safe and secure environment in South Africa. This was further exacerbated by the poor performance of the prosecution service in securing convictions for offenders and the failure of the department of correctional services to rehabilitate offenders. South Africa was faced with an effective breakdown of the organs responsible for maintaining law and order. Warnings to this effect from a variety of sources had been largely ignored or treated with arrogance and contempt from the office of the minister of safety and security downwards. That not a single minister or deputy minister responsible for law and order, justice, or prisons was dismissed over close on ten years of Thabo Mbeki’s presidency suggests that the government was either unable to identify the risks presented by lawlessness or had resigned itself to the consequences. Regardless of which of the two options is correct the failure of the state to maintain law and order is the first direct contributing factor to the violence. 2.) Border control The collapse of proper border control mechanisms saw literally millions of people gaining entry to South Africa illegally. The responsibility for this law enforcement failure rests jointly with the army, police and the government who saw fit to hand many border dut ies to the police when it should have been obvious that the police were unable to handle the responsibility. The closure of the commandos is instructive in this regard as it suggests a government more interested in ideology than in pragmatism. During a period when South Africa experienced some of the highest levels of violent crime in the world the state saw fit to close down one of the key organs responsible for rural policing. Poor policy decisions and simple incompetence in border policing therefore contributed directly to the presence of a large illegal population in South Africa. Without adequate legal standing in the community these people became easy or soft targets for mob violence. The police’s own heavy handed raids on illegal immigrants further created the impression that they were fair game in South Africa. The policy response to the cross border influx revolved chiefly around a programme of arrests and deportations often without regard to the human rights and due process issues that should have applied. This policy continued long after it was apparent that it was having no effect on the number of illegal immigrants in South Africa. Again no senior political official with responsibility for this critical area of policing was dismissed for underperformance despite the obvious threat to national security. 3.) Corruption Corruption in the state sector became endemic under Thabo Mbeki and very little was done to curb it. The examples of Travelgate, Armsgate, and Oilgate served to create the impression that the South African state was corrupt up to the highest levels of government. Such corruption in turn filtered down into the various government departments at local, provincial, and national level. In the home affairs, social welfare, and law enforcement areas literally tens of thousands of officials were implicated in corrupt dealings. Anger by South Africans at immigrants with illegal documents getting access to services is therefore understandable and was brought about in large part by the failure of the police and the department of home affairs to crack down on fraudulent documents. Evidence of widespread corruption was uncovered by a host of agencies and the media. The government, however, failed to act with due diligence and most corrupt officials got away with a slap on the wrist. Even where the law took its course as in the case of Tony Yengeni the ANC saw fit to carry him into prison like a conquering hero. Confidence in the state was substantially eroded by corruption policy failures and poor judgment on the part of government. Consequently it is not surprising that communities saw the need to take their anger onto the streets. Widespread corruption undermining the role of the state is therefore a further direct contributing factor to the violence. 4.) Employment With close on 40% of South Africans failing to secure a proper job it is not surprising that scores of youths were able to conduct days and nights of violent campaigns in informal settlements around Johannesburg. Unemployment was therefore a direct contributing cause to the violence. Among young black South Africans the unemployment rate extends to over 50% in some areas. Overall only 50% of African households get their main source of income from employment. Social welfare which now reaches 25% of South Africans was never going to be sufficient to meet communities’ expectations of a better life. Warnings as to the risks of sustained levels of high unemployment were largely ignored by government. Labour legislation, hopelessly inappropriate for a largely unskilled workforce, has contributed to keep many mainly black South Africans out of jobs. Immigrants were able to secure employment as these labour policies did not apply to them and were in many cases able to make a living free from government grantsor regulation. Policy responses such as the Expanded Public Works Programme were a case of too little too late to prevent the turbulence that has gripped parts of Johannesburg for the past seven days. The government showed limited urgency in dealing with an unemployment crisis that required dramatic changes in policy to address. A host of talk shops, forums, and strategies were substituted for actual progress. It is a valid question how the government could ignore such an obvious political risk factor for so long without an adequate policy response. Partly the answer may lie in the ANC misjudging its electoral support for satisfaction with its policies. 5.) Education This has been government’s biggest failure and carries much of the blame for the high unemployment levels. It is arguable whether current state education is in its totality any better than that under apartheid. Only 1% of black matriculants achieve a good HG maths pass. The output of the school education system was therefore far from adequate to free households from state dependency or to acquire the skills necessary to find employment in a heavily regulated labour market. The education system is a good example where policy failures in one area compounded those in another. In this case poor education compounded the inappropriate labour market policy which in turn compounded the unemployment problem. Many warnings to government in this regard have been dismissed as alarmist and sensationalist. That combined with critical policy misjudgments such as the adoption of outcomes based education and the closure of teacher training colleges sabotaged any chance of rehabilitating the education system. The failure of education is therefore a further direct contributing cause to the violence. 6.) Slowing economic growth The failure to take proper advantage of a global boom in commodities meant that South Africa attracted limited benefit from the economic climate of the last five years. Empowerment policy, affirmative action, and bureaucratic interference in mining for example saw South Africa’s mining sector stutter over a period when it should have boomed. In many cases racial bean counting, self enrichment through economic empowerment, and ideological arguments for transformation trumped the need to boost economic growth rates above 4.5%. South Africa was therefore unable to use the global commodity boom to establish subsidiary industries or to invest in its industrial base. Policy failures in electricity supply and telecommunication technology in turn further hampered the economic growth rate in South Africa and further compounded the failure to adopt an industrial policy aimed at facilitating growth off the commodity boom. Education and skills shortages share some of the blame for this. In many cases ideologically driven beliefs in the state’s role in managing the economy overruled pragmatic policy responses. Agriculture is a prime example where the governments’ policy on commercial producers could best be described as hostile even as food prices begun to rise. Increasing food prices directly compromised the welfare of poor communities and must be identified as one of the key causal factors responsible for the violence. Rising inflation is a second key causal factor for the violence where a failure of the Reserve Bank’s inflation targeting policy has largely undone much of the anti-poverty impact of social grants spending. Again this is an example of one policy failure compounding failures in a host of other areas. Both food prices and inflation together with rising fuel costs directly impacted upon poor households and must have forced them to cut down on basic staples. That alone may have been sufficient to spark much of the anger visible in and around Johannesburg this week. These three factors directly undid the efforts of social grants in alleviating poverty as they undermined the value of those grants. Two of the three factors were in government’s direct policy responsibility to address. An analysis of economic policy failures would not be complete without examining the role of empowerment policy in establishing a very small and often politically connected black middle class. Government saw fit to celebrate this limited success even as the majority of black South Africans continued to live in relative squalor and poverty. In retrospect it is extraordinary that government would flaunt such limited participation in the broader economy by a select group of individuals when most of its supporters had no hope of ever becoming the beneficiary of an empowerment transaction. The now regular site of a high speed government convoys of black luxury sedans escorted by scores of police shoving through traffic points to a similarly misguided and extraordinary arrogance on the part of those who had promised a better life for all in 1994. Warnings of political risk accompanying such policy blunders where sharply disputed by government most notably in the example of Tony Trahar who was admonished by Thabo Mbeki for raising the issue of political risk in South Africa. 7.) Foreign policy Particularly in the case of Zimbabwe foreign policy was wholly inappropriate and incompetent. Thabo Mbeki’s quiet diplomacy provided a lifeline to the ailing Zimbabwe regime that kept it in power longer than would otherwise have been the case. The failure to condemn initial violence and electoral fraud in Zimbabwe contributed directly to the massive inflow of foreign immigrants. Such quiet diplomacy stands in strong contrast to the unanimous condemnation by government of the current violence in South Africa and creates the impression that violence targeted at Zimbabweans was acceptable as long as it took place in Zimbabwe. Seen in light of South Africa’s inability to secure its borders our foreign policy on Zimbabwe was destined to have only one effect – the inflow of illegal immigrants. It is far from convincing to argue that the best South Africa, as Africa’s economic superpower, could do was to quietly engage the Harare regime. Targeted economic and financial sanctions together with clear criticism of human rights abuses in Zimbabwe were a perfectly feasible alternative policy. As in almost every area of policy failure warnings directed at government were scoffed at and dismissed. In the Zimbabwe case Thabo Mbeki’s government was quick to describe as racist any criticism of his Zimbabwe policy. Need one only remember the tumultuous reception Robert Mugabe was given at Thabo Mbeki’s inauguration? Ideology again trumped pragmatism, a failure for which South Africa is paying heavily. 8.) Service delivery While a host of government targets were met service delivery provision was far from adequate to meet expectations of a better life for all. A policy failure is again at the heart of the problem as the state took it upon itself to provide services and jobs and thereby tied households to its ability to deliver. Where delivery appeared to falter public protest was the outcome and literally thousands of protests, many of them violent, have been directed at the state over the past 36 months. In many cases the government relied on corrupt and incompetent local authorities to implement its policies. Despite much bluster and posturing not enough was done to bring these authorities into line even as a growing trend of protest actions became visible over the past 36 months. The failure of local government in delivery was never adequately addressed and communities lost faith in the willingness of government to address their queries when these were made through official channels. Communities learnt to express their dissatisfaction violently and this is set to continue as long as local authorities remain corrupt and incompetent. High unemployment was again a further contributing factor exacerbating other policy failures. The protests of the past 36 months have in the main been isolated and sporadic but should have sent a clear warning to government that dissatisfaction with delivery could spark large scale unrest. Government however continued to insist that it was on the right track and that dismissed criticism as alarmist or aimed at threatening the national democratic revolution. The government effectively miscalculated that continuing strong voter support for the ANC translated directly into support for its delivery efforts. This has proven to be a tragic misjudgment. Current legislation pending in provinces to ‘eradicate’ informal dwellings is a perfect example of a type of heavy handed delivery blunder that has characterised the government. If implemented it will no doubt aid in creating exactly the kind of havoc currently experienced around Gauteng. It is in a sense a good measure in deciding whether the government has learnt any lessons from this week’s violence. 9.) Race relations Thabo Mbeki’s efforts at re-racialising South Africa and the numerous pieces of race based policy and legislation that accompanied his time in office undid much of the progress in improving race relations accomplished under Nelson Mandela. Mbeki’s tenure re-enforced differences and assigned values based on race. It was not surprising therefore that racial conflict could be an end result of his government’s numerous policy failures. That that conflict is black on black and not black on white is unsurprising considering that levels of latent ethnic tension remain present in South Africa. Obsession with black on white racism meant that the apparently more widespread form of black on black racism was never adequately addressed. Overzealous self censorship and political correctness prevented many commentators from speaking up clearly about a possibly far more deep seated racism between black and black than existed between black and white. What can be done? Combined failures in these key policy areas have come together to create a virtual tinderbox of dissatisfaction with government delivery and the protests originating in Alexandra where merely a matter of a spark igniting the tensions at the right time in the right place. Similar political risk factors exist throughout South Africa and there exists the danger that the violence could spread further at a point in time. A second danger exists that the violence could come to take on a more ethnic nature and devolve into a renewed conflict particularly if it spreads in KwaZulu-Natal. It is a risk that South Africa will have to live with for several years as there is no quick fix solution for the current crisis. The appointment of a panel to investigate the violence is a useful academic exercise but is again a wholly inappropriate policy response to resolve the crisis. This is equally true of revitalising the failed Roll Back Xenophobia campaigns and the like which cannot adequately capture the underlying causes to the violence. The short term response should be a well thought out and coordinated law enforcement response that aims to identify and arrest anyone responsible for inciting violence or the destruction of property while isolating violent hotspots and saturating these areas with police personnel. It should be intelligence driven and managed by detectives. Tragically it is questionable, however, whether the police have the skills or equipment to conduct such an operation effectively. Employing the military in a civilian capacity risks a major disaster. They are not trained, equipped, or prepared for such a function. There is a real risk of the army shooting into a crowd with live ammunition and causing casualties that could inflame tensions even further and will almost certainly see a nationwide uprising against the state. Conclusion The violence we have experienced over the past week can be directly attributed to a series of policy failures on the part of Thabo Mbeki’s government. Warnings to that effect were too easily dismissed by government spokespeople who accused analysts of racism and ‘doom and gloom’ scenarios. A ‘worst possible scenario’ has now materialised and requires a more mature and measured response from government. Failing that we should expect that similar unrest could occur with little warning in any area of South Africa. *Frans Cronje is the Deputy CEO of the South African Institute of Race Relations. This is an edited version of an article published by the SAIRR on May 20 2008
Thursday, November 7, 2019
9 New Years Eve Movies to Watch as the Ball Drops
9 New Years Eve Movies to Watch as the Ball Drops Ah, the magic of midnight and ticking clock! A wonderful occasion to gather in front of a TV screen with your family and friends or wrap yourself in a blanket to watch a movie alone. No matter if youre going to host a party or spend this night with no guests around, a nice movie wont hurt anybody. Do you like good old classic films or modern trash movies? We are sure that our tips will help you to spend the first night of the year with a good mood. Weve made a list of various films for fans of different genres and cinema eras to help you choose the best movie for your holiday night. While 2018 is coming to its end, its time to take a good holiday rest and get yourself prepared for new achievements. If you want to spend the night of December 31 with delicious food and films that will give you the holiday spirit, you should check this article. Weve prepared a New Years Eve movies list to make your night really festive and magical! 1 Four Rooms, 1995 An indie comedy that sets around New Years Eve in a fancy hotel tells 4 stories connected by the bellhop who is left alone to deal with the mess. With 4 brilliant directors Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez, Allison Anders, and Alexandre Rockwell, this comedy, spiced up with a bit of thriller and dark humor speaks for itself as it is one of the most viewed New Years themed movies. Starring: Tim Roth, Antonio Banderas, Sammi Davis, Amanda De Cadenet, Madonna 2 Bridget Joness Diary, 2001 A romantic comedy about an average woman trying to change her life for the better and find her true love. It can make you laugh through tears and sympathize the main characters. The plot based on the novel by Helen Fielding. Starring cast and the atmosphere of love make this movie a perfect choice for girls evening. Starring: Renà ©e Zellweger, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Gemma Jones. 3 Trading Places, 1983 A classic comedy which is going to cheer you up and a perfect choice for those who wonder â€Å"what to watch on New Years Eve?†The bet of two millionaires makes two people from different social groups exchange their lives. A drastic change in the everyday routine of a broker from the upper class and homeless hustler unravels the plot that can be described as a modern vision of Mark Twains classic novel The Prince and the Pauper. Starring: Eddie Murphy, Dan Aykroyd, Ralph Bellamy, Don Ameche. 4 The Poseidon Adventure, 1972 A disaster film about the sinking of a majestic ship The Poseidon. New Years Eve party in the ocean on the way to Greece was interrupted by a sudden storm and soon becomes a real nightmare for surviving passengers. The plot leads you through this exciting escape adventure and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Starring: Gene Hackman, Ernest Borgnine, Shelley Winters, Red Buttons. 5 When Harry Met Sally, 1989 Watching the evolution of a relationship between two leading characters might be what you need this night. Its one of those movies that everybody mention when they are asked about favorite New Years Eve romantic film. Starring: Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Carrie Fisher, Bruno Kirby 6 The Godfather Part II, 1974 The Godfather is a movie that has almost nothing to do with New Years Eve, but still is one of the most popular choices for the festive night. The relationship between the father and the son Corleone and the plot tightly tying up around their lives makes this movie one of the best family movies to watch. Check it out and you will understand why it is called the epochal drama and a cinematic masterpiece. Starring: Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton 7 Ghostbusters II, 1989 After the success of the first movie, it was obvious that the audience wanted a sequel about favorite characters coming to the big screen. Ghostbusters II reveals the following events after the incident with the ghosts attacking the city. Turns out, that the team is disbanded and, eventually, not allowed to work. But everything changes when one ghost starts to interact with the baby of Peter Venkman. Sharp humor, interesting plot and brilliant actors made this movie a real classic. Starring: Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Sigourney Weaver, Harold Ramis 8 200 Cigarettes, 1999 Multiple plot lines and numerous characters mix together for the perfect cocktail of fun, humor and colorful picture. As the plot unravels, we watch young people coping with relationships, desire, and loneliness, trying to find their place under the sun. Oh, and better watch it without your parents. Starring: Ben Affleck, Casey Affleck, Dave Chappelle, Guillermo Dà az 9 In Search of a Midnight Kiss, 2007 A young man without any willing to love his life posts a Craigslist ad and suddenly gets a response from a girl who looks for a right man to kiss with when the ball drops. This independent romantic drama and comedy won several awards all over the world and can really catch your attention with its magical music and sudden plot twists. Starring: Scoot McNairy, Sara Simmonds, Brian McGuire, Kathleen Luong. So which movie will you choose? Let us know in a comment section! New Years Eve is a magical event and a time when anything can happen. Get ready for a new experience and have a Happy New Year!
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Seasonal and Unseasonable
Seasonal and Unseasonable Seasonal and Unseasonable Seasonal and Unseasonable By Maeve Maddox With all the storms, flooding, and unusually low temperatures in the news, Ive been noticing a proliferation of the word unseasonal. Unseasonal rain may continue Southerners lamenting the loss of summer need to brace for more unsettled and unseasonal weather in the coming days Unseasonal weather and flower production will there be a shortage? Unseasonal spring storms are hitting the South In each of these examples, the weather being described is seen as not being usual for the time of year. The appropriate word in this context is the negative of seasonable, which is unseasonable. seasonable: Occurring at the right season, opportune. Of weather, etc.: Suitable to the time of year. The word seasonal differs in meaning from seasonable. seasonal: Pertaining to or characteristic of the seasons of the year, or some one of them. Things that change with the season are seasonal. One speaks of seasonal occupations, seasonal employment, and seasonal products. Strictly speaking, seasonal does not have a negative form. This unusually cold, wet weather were experiencing in the South this May is unseasonable. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:4 Types of Gerunds and Gerund PhrasesOne Fell Swoop
Sunday, November 3, 2019
The role of legal systems in corporate governance Essay
The role of legal systems in corporate governance - Essay Example A Legal system is composed of a constitution, the different types of legislative bodies and legislation that is done by subsidiary law-making bodies like county authorities that carry out legislative duties such as the creation of by-laws (Brealy et al, 2007). Most legal systems in the world have two different branches that include civil law that deals with the law of torts, divorce law and the common law branch that deals with the commission of crimes and felonies. The judiciary is used for the determination of cases that fall in both civil and criminal law. The laws that deal with the collection of taxes and the administration of the tax laws fall under tax laws. Corporate governance has the stewardship approach where management is viewed as the stewards of the organization in terms of the asset management and employment as well as deployment of such assets in a manner that is consistent with the overall strategy of the organization (Enneking, 2012). It also sets out the accountability of the company towards the relevant authorities. Most companies are required to have a document setting out the corporate governance structure and policy. Corporate governance also entails the management of challenges that arise from separation of an entity’s ownership and its control. This discussion will focus on various issues; to begin with it will provide elaborate information in regard to the impacts of legal systems on corporate governance. Moreover, it will attempt to describe the effects of these systems on monitory unions and MNE firms. Background information shall also be provided that delve with legal systems as well as corporate governance. Legal systems affect almost every aspect of the society; one of the societal aspects that is affected by these systems is corporate governance. It is therefore crucial to research and determine the effects of legal systems on corporate governance
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