Writing the college essay
Pop Culture Research Paper Topics
Friday, September 4, 2020
A Response to Richard Brookheiser’s “All Junk, All the Time†Free Essays
Richard Brookheiser tosses each and every arraignment that he can consider at the foundation of exciting music. Clearly Brookheiser is composing just to vent his own emotions: he has no goal of becoming familiar with the music that he has decided to reprimand so completely. It is awful for him, since in the event that he had chosen to really hear some out exciting music with a receptive outlook, he would have been sure to hear some music that he would have enjoyed. We will compose a custom article test on A Response to Richard Brookheiser’s â€Å"All Junk, All the Time†or on the other hand any comparative theme just for you Request Now The primary analysis that Brookheiser (1996) makes is that rock bids to the majority, even to megachurches. That, in itself, is definitely not a terrible thing frankly. Music should speak to the majority. Whether or not there is an assortment of music that solitary exists for the highbrow satisfaction in the exclusive class, the â€Å"average†individual likewise needs to encounter the impression that tuning in to music can bring to an individual. Music needs to â€Å"speak†to the individual that tunes in to it, to have importance to that audience, and maybe even mirror the occasions throughout their life. In the event that rock claims to the majority, it’s on the grounds that the greater part of its audience members comprehend the craftsman when the torment of dismissed or solitary love drives the craftsman to sing about the â€Å"first cut†being â€Å"deepest†or the feeling of misfortune â€Å"counting the steps†of a withdrawing sweetheart. Show, all things considered, has a similar topic, just it’s yelled at the head of one’s voice and in another dialect. Brookheiser (1996) additionally censures awesome music for having â€Å"E Z 2 Play melodic instruments†(p. 1), rose to by the clear simplicity of the verses. By and by, he overlooks the main issue. Plainly, Brookheiser has not tuned in to enough awesome music to welcome the harpsichord utilized by the Beatles, the saxophone utilized by Billy Joel, or the exploratory music utilized by a greater number of specialists than it is conceivable to tally. Exciting music is tied in with pushing the limits of adequate sound. While a significant part of the music can be played on the guitar, it is never about playing it â€Å"safe. †Appreciate it or not, both the first and the redo of â€Å"Funky Town†say something with their electronic musicâ€try that on the guitar! Nor are the vocals as oversimplified as Brookheiser would make out. For each melody with the effortlessness of Natasha Bedingfield’s â€Å"Unwritten,†another tune exists with the imaginativeness of Celine Dion’s vocal riffs that causes the audience to sit up and tune in. Significantly more in this way, Brookheiser ought to tune in to the suppositions communicated by those evidently basic or murmured verses. Indeed, even those without imaginativeness deliberately express the writer’s expectations, fears, or social concerns. In the event that Brookheiser feels that exciting music falls flat as a memory marker since it is â€Å"crude and blank†(p. 1), clearly he has not been tuning in to the â€Å"right†sort of rock. â€Å"Rock†music is a kind that traverses numerous territories, as he so legitimately calls attention to. Snap some simple tuning in or oldies into the DVD player and even Brookheiser is probably going to discover music that he feels fitting to stamp even his most extraordinary recollections. He should simply to tune in with a receptive outlook and an entirely different world will open up for him. Only one out of every odd individual is going to like each sort of music, or even every subgenre of each sort of music. Numerous individuals may know about down home music, yet not the same number of even think about its Cajun cousin, zydeco, not to mention welcome it. That absence of gratefulness doesn't make zydeco any to a lesser extent a significant asset for the way of life that produces it; rather, it talks considerably more noisily to the individuals who comprehend what it is attempting to state. For all intents and purposes each age of parent has stated, â€Å"in my day, music implied something! †Yet even as we age and tune in to the music that we once felt was so radical, it transforms into something sheltered and recognizable, related with our childhood. The TV arrangement, The Simpsons, did a scene in which the stone tune â€Å"In the Garden of Eden†. Richard Brookheiser closes his exposition with the announcement, â€Å"It’s Bottom 40, all garbage, constantly. What's more, it’s here to stay†(2). Tragically enough for him: he’s rightâ€and express gratitude toward Heaven for it! Reference Brookheiser, R. (1996). All garbage, all the time.â National Review.â Retrieved 23 July 2007 from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1282/is_n22_v48/ai_18914547/pg_1 Step by step instructions to refer to A Response to Richard Brookheiser’s â€Å"All Junk, All the Time†, Papers
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Emerging market Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Developing business sector - Assignment Example There was a rising inclination in the utilization of solid mixed refreshments until the finish of 1980s; in mid 1990s this pattern was turned around. From that point forward the interest for vodka has been diminishing, while the interest for brew and wine has been growing1 (Tabel 1). Liquor is frequently portrayed as unequivocally negative with regards to destitution. (Poverty and Alcohol - an article by Yoon Hui Kim, 2004). However, a similar creator concurs that contentions have been made for both the advantages and hindrances of liquor creation and utilization - as an industry, liquor creation has been contended to spike financial development and reduce neediness, while as a product it has been condemned for compounding the states of impoverishment. Subsequently, for needy individuals liquor can have both positive and negative repercussions on monetary, political, social, and wellbeing factors. Liquor utilization can go about as a money related channel for penniless family units by redirecting constrained assets from uses on food, social insurance, and training. White spirits and specifically, vodka, have been on the expansion since 1999. A great part of the development has been enlivened by more youthful grown-ups, who are either enhancing or bypassing by and large, brew and wine, in preference3. The liquor business is a creative industry ready to utilize a wide assortment of showcasing instruments to make progress in the commercial center. The different parts of item showcasing incorporate publicizing, naming, customer advancement, bundling and marketing, being a necessary piece of advancing various brands of shopper merchandise. Liquor utilization in Poland is tantamount to that in other European countries4. Purchasing of liquor (recurrence and sum) relies upon segment, financial and mental variables. Factual information uncover that liquor utilization is wide spread in Poland. In the time of the most recent dozen years changes in the amount and structure of utilization were watched. The most as often as possible devoured liquor is right now brew, especially among youngsters. In may 2003, an examination exploring The states of liquor utilization among Polish grown-ups distributed in Electronic Journal of Polish Agricultural Universities shows that more established individua ls appear to lean toward wine and vodka. Aside from age, sex likewise impacts inclinations: ladies more regularly than men drink a wide range of wine and seasoned vodka, though lager, unadulterated vodka and mead are smashed all the more frequently by men (the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Michelangelo Essays (1390 words) - Visual Arts, Sistine Chapel
Michelangelo Michelangelo Michelangelo was negative in his verse furthermore, a self assured person in his work of art. Michelangelo's fine art comprised of artistic creations furthermore, figures that indicated mankind in it's regular state. Michelangelo's verse was critical in his reaction to Strazzi despite the fact that he was supplementing him. Michelangelo's figure drew out his positive thinking. Michelangelo was idealistic in finishing The Tomb of Pope Julius II and persisted through it's numerous corrections attempting to finish his vision. Figure was Michelangelo's principle objective and the adoration for his life. Since his specialty depicted both idealism what's more, cynicism, Michelangelo was in contact with his positive and negative sides, demonstrating that he had an incredible and stable character. Michelangelo's craftsmanship comprised of compositions also, figures that demonstrated humankind in it's regular state. Michelangelo Buonarroti was called to Rome in 1505 by Pope Julius II to make for him a fantastic tomb. We have no away from of what the tomb was to look like, since throughout the years it experienced in any event five theoretical corrections. The tomb was to have three levels; the base level was to have etched figures speaking to Victory and bond slaves. The subsequent level was to have sculptures of Moses and Saint Paul just as representative figures of the dynamic what's more, thoughtful life-delegate of the human taking a stab at, and gathering of, information. The third level, it is accepted, was to have a likeness of the perished pope. The tomb of Pope Julius II was rarely wrapped up. What was done of the tomb speaks to a twenty-year length of disappointing deferrals also, reexamined plans. Michelangelo had scarcely started take a shot at the pope's tomb when Julius instructed him to fresco the roof of the Sistine Chapel to complete the work done in the earlier century under Sixtus IV. The by and large association comprises of four enormous triangles at the corner; a progression of eight triangular spaces on the external fringe; a middle of the road arrangement of figures; and nine focal boards, all bound along with engineering themes and bare male figures. The corner triangles portray chivalrous activity in the Old Testament, while the other eight triangles delineate the scriptural precursors of Jesus Christ. Michelangelo imagined and executed this colossal fill in as a solitary unit. It's general significance is an issue. The issue has drawn in history specialists of workmanship for ages without agreeable goals. The artistic creations that were finished by Michelangelo had been painted with the most splendid hues that just blossomed the entire roof as one entered to look. The roof had been finished only a brief time after the Pope had passed on. The Sistine Chapel is the best fresco at any point done. Michelangelo typified numerous trademark characteristics of the Renaissance. An individualistic, profoundly serious virtuoso (at times to the point of capriciousness). Michelangelo was not hesitant to show humankind in it's regular state - bareness; even before the Pope what's more, the different strict pioneers. Michelangelo depicted life for what it's worth, indeed, even with it's difficulties. Michelangelo needed to communicate his own masterful thoughts. The most bewildering thing about Michelangelo's roof configuration is the incredible number of apparently insignificant bare figures that he remembered for his monstrous fresco. Four young people outline the majority of the Genesis scenes. We know from authentic records that different church authorities questioned the numerous nudes, yet Pope Julius gave Michelangelo imaginative opportunity, and in the end managed the house of prayer forbidden to anybody spare himself, until the artwork was finished. The numerous bare figures are alluded to as Ignudi. They are stripped people, maybe speaking to the exposed truth. Almost certain, I think they speak to Michelangelo's idea of the human potential for flawlessness. Michelangelo himself stated, Whoever takes a stab at flawlessness is endeavoring for something divine. In painting naked people, he is recommending the incomplete human; every one of us is brought into the world bare with a psyche and a body, in Neoplatonic thought, with the ability to be our own shapers. Michelangelo has an exceptionally extraordinary character for his time. In Rome, in 1536, Michelangelo was grinding away on the Last Judgment for the special raised area mass of the Sistine Chapel, which he completed in 1541. The biggest fresco of the Renaissance, it portrays Judgment Day. Christ, with an applaud of thunder, kicks off the unavoidable partition, with the spared rising on the left half of the work of art and the condemned slipping on the directly into a Dantesque damnation. Similar to his custom, Michelangelo depicted all the figures naked, yet pretentious draperies were included by another craftsman (who was named the breeches-creator) after 10 years, as the social atmosphere turned out to be progressively traditionalist. Michelangelo painted his own picture in the excoriated skin of St. Bartholomew. In spite of the fact that he was likewise given another painting commission, the
Niccolo Machiavelli
Niccolo Machiavelli (May 3, 1469 †June 21, 1527) lived in Florence, Italy. Machiavelli was an Italian savant, government official, author and maybe one among the central organizers of political theory. Since Machiavelli was a renaissance man, he acted in the limit of a representative, a political savant, a performer, a writer, an artist and a Florentine Republic government worker. This paper consequently takes to find out the degree to which Machiavelli would think about the political belief systems of Thomas Paine, Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler and Franklin D. Roosevelt as achievable or important. Thomas Paine Machiavelli would discover the thoughts of Paine’s political hypotheses in Common Sense pleasing to a bigger degree. This is all the more so in light of the fact that; Paine (2006) sees the legislature as a punisher, and this job being a subsidiary of the intrinsic devilish nature of man. With this impact, the administration would go about as the restrainer of human indecencies. The appropriateness with Machiavelli’s goals is that this philosophy weds well with Machiavelli’s propositions about the pioneer having the option to move quick to suppress political enemies in order to solidify power (Machiavelli, 1868). Clearly the methods for extirpating the impact of a political foe would be state’s instruments of intimidation (Paine, 2000). Karl Marx In a similar vein, Machiavelli would locate the Marxist belief systems propounded by Karl Marx in the Communist Manifesto pleasing since: through Karl Marx’s lessons on the Class Consciousness and Antagonism, Marx clarifies on how the political world class, the bourgeoisie, misuses by utilizing the state instruments and state powers, the regular workers (the low class) with the two predominant points of: combining political force and guaranteeing benefit augmentation from the low classes (Marx and Engels, 1955). This well concurs with Machiavelli’s political belief system of â€Å"The closes defending the means†-a proverb Karl Marx specialties to brace his contention that a ruler must utilize all methods conceivable to seize and solidify power, the slaughtering of adversaries and companions the same, being comprehensive of these methods. Adolph Hitler Similarly, a few thoughts propounded by Hitler in his works, Mein Kampf would be adequate before Karl Marx. Hitler (1986) is accounted for as having placed that since the majority are consistently paltry and less shrewd, a pioneer ought to be one who is figuring, not having second thoughts to utilize purposeful publicity on the majority to accomplish a political accomplishment. This despite everything underscores Machiavelli’s thought of the finishes supporting the methods. Correspondingly, Machiavelli upholds profoundly the utilization of deceit (publicity) to look after force. Hitler’s plans to make more space (Lebensraum) for Germans by entering arrangements with UK and Russia as an ingenuity to help in the recovering of the Germany’s lost tracts of land affirms Machiavelli’s thoughts that a pioneer must be figuring and exceptionally crafty. The guile behind this proposed Russia, Germany and UK arrangement is that the arrangement would avoid Germany from the fatigue of battling simultaneously both in the East and West (Manheim and Hitler, 1969). Franklin D. Roosevelt To a bigger degree, Roosevelt’s hypotheses that are uncovered in his debut discourse that saw his progress from a New York senator to the 32nd US president would be considered as contradictory towards Machiavelli’s. The idea of political ethical quality and distinct references to values infest all the spectra of Roosevelt’s discourse. Roosevelt is prodded on by profound quality while Machiavelli then again, political convenience. The main point Machiavelli would acknowledge Roosevelt’s suggestions is the way that Roosevelt saw the need of wide official forces being vested on the leader of the official so as to permit the tenant of this office manage an attacking remote adversary (Polenberg, 2000). Machiavelli discusses all the instruments at the removal of the ruler being utilized to suppress mercilessly a foe. End In any case, it is essential to consider that in spite of the fact that contrasting one’s political way of thinking with another for insightful proposes may stay as convenient, yet, any political way of thinking has the legitimacy to exist in its own right, gave the way of thinking in picture catches the genuine character of the state. It is by this prudence that al these ways of thinking which were progressed by Thomas Paine, Karl Marx, Adolph Hitler and Franklin D. Roosevelt were considered as real according to separate residents.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Be able to evaluate the financial performance of a business Assignment
Have the option to assess the money related execution of a business - Assignment Example Speculators regularly utilize budgetary investigations for settling on fitting venture choices. Budgetary Institutions: In request to show up at reasonable choices in regards to allowing an organization with broadened debtâ securitiesâ like debentures or long-termâ bank credit, or newâ working capitalâ etc, money related establishments should check the fiscal summaries of organizations. Government Entities: They have to check these announcements to decide the rightness and exactness ofâ taxesâ and further obligations expressed and paid by a business. Such proclamations will likewise help them in guaranteeing that the organization is working inside the structure of pertinent rules and are consenting to every legal commitment. Merchants: Financial explanations assist them with assessing the reliability of the organization in order to empower them to take fitting choices. Media and the General Public: Financial explanation permits this intrigue gathering to assess the presentatio n regarding moral exchanging, consistence of ecological spending and so on. IAS 1 adjusted the fiscal summaries title as they will be utilized in International Financial Reporting Standards: Balance Sheet' will correct as 'explanation of monetary position’ Income Statement' will alter as 'Proclamation of Comprehensive Income' The reconsidered International Accounting Standards (IAS1) has happened from the year 2009. In any case, it isn't compulsory with respect to firms to utilize the most recent titles in the fiscal summaries. The Components of the Financial Statements: A whole arrangement of budget reports as determined in the International Accounting Standards contains: 1. Benefit and Loss Account: Also known as Statement of Comprehensive Income, this announcement for a particular period mirrors the benefit or misfortune for that specific period with other far reaching pay archived in that period. The standard is currently utilizing 'benefit or shortfall's rather than the unmistakable term 'net benefit or deficit's for the foot line of the pay articulation, ensuing to the 2003 correction to IAS1. â€Å"All things of salary and cost perceived in a period must be remembered for benefit or deficit except if a Standard or an Interpretation requires otherwise†(Accounting Standard (AS) 5: Net Profit or Loss for the Period, Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies n.d., p. 50). 2. Asset report: Statement of Financial Position: This contains the itemized depiction of a company'sâ assets,â liabilities andâ ownership equityâ at a given point in time. Data to be introduced in the announcement of monetary position IAS 1 indicates the base data which must be thought about the asset report. 3. Income Statement: Cash stream articulation after the reissue of IAS 1 is named as Statement of incomes and it presents a company’s income exercises, primarily it is working, financing and contributing exercises. Moreover, it likewise offers cl ients of budget summaries with an establishment to assess the company’s ability to make money and money reciprocals and the concern’s necessity to use their internal and outward incomes. IAS 7 indicates prerequisites for introducing and uncovering income data. PART B: AC 4.2 Compare proper arrangements of budget summaries for various kinds of business. Various kinds of
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Follow Me A Video Tour of Campus
Follow Me A Video Tour of Campus I made a video-thing! During the second snow day of the semester, I roped my friends Cathy 17 and Tara 17 into making a video for all you wonderful readers out there. I followed them around campus while they talked about MIT, life, the universe, and other super specific things, like grass allergies and how to pronounce the word Stata. If that sounds like a fun way to spend your next 21 minutes, then youre in luck. Boy, oh boy, do I have the video for you. Our goal was to make an accessible, virtual tour of MITs campus for people who want to know what its like to be at MIT but cant necessarily make the trek out here. Without a pre-planned script, Cathy and Tara just talked about whatever came to mind wherever they were at the time. Its not meant to be a professional tour of MIT, but rather a casual conversation with friends. If you dont really feel like investing 20+ minutes of your life into watching this video (even though we would love it if you did!), feel free to watch it on 2x speed for a quicker visual tour of campus. Or, just jump around to different parts of the video willy-nilly whenever you feel like it. Ive listed some times beneath the video that you can jump to if you want to see or hear about a particular place. Enjoy! P.S. Apologies in advanced for some audio issues :( The wind was atrocious the day we filmed this and theres some random parts in the middle where the video didnt sync with the audio. 00:25 Crossing Massachusetts Avenue 01:40 Entering Killian Court 02:10 The Dome! 03:56 Metal Sculpture Thing 04:33 Building 6 07:33 The Infinite Hallway 09:45 Building 26 11:48 TEAL Classrooms 13:27 Stata (and its pronunciation) 18:56 Courtyard Behind Stata and more! For a complete list of places visited, reference the end credits of the video (that start at 21:18) If you have any questions about anything mentioned in the video or if you have any suggestions for future video/blog topics, leave a comment in the comment section below!
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
Assessing career goals and career strategy - Free Essay Example
My studies have helped me focus more on my career goals when I graduate. In the future, I would like to be engaged in a career in human resource and strategic management. For now, I am seeking opportunities for internship in a company that would provide me with some basic experiences to apply what I have learned from my courses so far. After graduation, my goal is to secure a job in the field of human resource management while looking into the possibility of further studies for specialization in the field. Before I go back to China, I would like to be able to gain both work experience and academic knowledge here in the UK. Cameron (2009) presented a model to guide aspirants of successful careers that is founded on positive thinking. The first step is knowing oneself and that includes ones skills, strengths and weaknesses. Once that is achieved, the aspirant searches for potential employers whose organization will benefit from the aspirants skills. Next is being able to present oneself professionally with evidence of such skills. In time, the aspirant will gain more knowledge and experience and he will be able to present himself successfully. I believe that Camerons model will be able to help me chart my career and this career portfolio assignment is a good start. It will comprise the first step of knowing myself through self-analysis by reflecting on my own skills, strengths and weaknesses. This assignment will also plan out my strategy in finding potential employers and how I can present myself professionally to them to increase my chances of being accepted for internship. Industry/Sector analysis Knowing about the industry one wants to join entails careful study and analysis. Human resource management (HRM) is the field I want to specialize in someday and this portion will highlight what HRM is all about. HRM has been ascribed an essential role in achieving the goals of organizations. Its rise had important implications on the recognition of workers. The competencies of employees have been given more notice in recruitment and selection as well as in training and development (Van Marrewijk Timmers, 2003). Its strategic position as a sounding board for top management and facilitator and change agent in the restructuring and transformation processes of the company is equally balanced with its role as an important partner for employees. Thus, the HRM function positions itself in two ways: as the architect of new organizational structures and work systems, and as coach in management development processes and companion of employees in turnaround processes (Van Marrewijk Timm ers, 2003, p.174) HRM is also in charge of performance appraisals of the people working for the organization. Stone (2002) defines it as a vital tool for strategy execution by providing a dynamic link to employee recruitment, selection, training and development, career planning, compensation and benefits, safety and health and industrial relations (p.264). Further, Stone explains: It signals to managers and employees what is really important; it provides ways to measure what is important; it fixes accountability for behaviour and results; and it helps in improving performance. Finally, performance appraisal is necessary to defend the organisation against individuals who legally challenge the validity of management decisions relating to promotions, transfers, salary changes ,and, termination (p. 264) Being aware of peoples needs and skills, HRM goes beyond the appraisals and attempt to develop them professionally. Employee development has been identified as key to improving overall organizational effectiveness. Jacobs and Washington (2003) have defined it as thus: Employee development refers to an integrated set of planned programs, provided over a period of time, to help assure that all individuals have the competence necessary to perform to their fullest potential in support of the organizations goals (p. 344). In sum, Dessler (2002) encapsulates HRM as the business development strategy based on the requirements of the rational allocation of human resources in a planned way, the enterprise employees through recruitment, training, use, evaluation, motivation, adjustment and a series of processes, mobilise the enthusiasm of the staff, play staffs potential, creating value for enterprises to ensure that corporate strategic objectives. Knowing that HRM covers a wide range of tasks and responsibilities, an aspirant wanting to enter the field should be adept in many areas. The following section focuses on the role of the human resource manager. Role analysis The HRM is bestowed a number of responsibilities to help make the organization more effective. Firstly, it deals with the concerns of personnel, as it recruits and allocates people to the appropriate positions in the company based on their qualifications. They are in charge of the employees training and development as well as the evaluation of their performance. This will determine increases in their remuneration. Dessler (2002) adds that the human resource manager creates a conducive, creative and harmonious work environment where all the employees are aware of company policies and procedures. He sees to it that employee morale is kept high and that their health and well-being are optimized. Having efficient and happy employees who enjoy productive and harmonious relationships with co-workers is key to the maximization of results for the organization. The important role of the human resource manager calls for a multitude of people skills and a high rate of emotional intelligenc e to be able to manage the responsibilities that go with the job. Following Camerons model, the next part evaluates how my own qualities and skills will fit into the role of the human resource manager. Critical evaluation of strengths and development needs As an adult student, I know I am at the threshold of choosing a career path where I will find my fulfilment. The world suddenly seems too big for me and I am faced with endless possibilities. I know that even if I finish my education, I will continue to be a learner. My hunger for knowledge and new skills is unquenchable. I see that as a positive trait. I am mostly interested in people. I am drawn to learning about people and how they work together towards a particular goal. I know that I get along well with people. I had positive experiences with people of diverse backgrounds and personalities. On the other hand, since I am so into learning more about them, I become too easy to manipulate. It is difficult for me to say no. I guess that makes me likeable but at the same time, I end up doing more favours to others than I can handle. It takes a certain kind of leader to become an efficient human resource manager. In this age when leaders easily fall into corruption, I still bel ieve that a leader should be strong enough to hold on to his integrity and values. I believe money cannot buy everything. Being able to motivate people is one important trait of a good human resource manager. Knowing that my own experiences in motivation become a strength for me because I know I will not be easily swayed by material rewards and some employees may be the same. Apart from monetary rewards, I know how to encourage people to do better by calling on their strengths and giving them opportunities to be put to good use. One weakness of mine is decision-making because I have the tendency to consider so many things before I come up with a decision. I usually end up delaying making a final decision until its too late. I know I have to learn to be more decisive by knowing how to weigh things better. The rational reasons need to be balanced with the emotional outcomes. Time management is also a challenge for me. I am a very active learner and need to move around. I feel fu lfilled when I get to do many things at once. However, I know that when I get engrossed in a certain activity, I forget about the time. I need to learn more time management techniques so I can meet all my short term as well as long term life goals. Knowing my own skills, strengths and personality gives me confidence that I will be able to fit into the future role in the field of human resource management because I know I can handle multiple responsibilities well. However, I also know that I have several weaknesses that I need to improve on so I may better handle such great responsibilities. Thus, an action plan is necessary for me to focus on further strengthening my strengths and improving on my weaknesses so eventually, they will also be considered strengths. Action Plan Overall, my action plan includes continued learning all throughout my life. This course has propelled me even more to do that with the additional readings and research I did in relation to the topics of my interest. If there are other opportunities to learn more like seminars, workshops or conferences offered then I will gladly attend. I shall be more open to new experiences, because I know that experience is the best teacher, and in every experience, there is much to learn a new concept or idea, a new skill or a new perspective in life. I shall also continue to relate with people from all walks of life since they are a good resource for learning. My dealings with people will help me strengthen my decision-making skills and help me learn to balance my relational skills with my rational skills. That way, I will not be easily exploited. In terms of finding a prospective employer or organization who will accept me as an intern, I need to seek opportunities from classified adver tisements in newspapers or from people I know who work in the field of HRM. I can also search the internet for such opportunities while learning about what qualifications and skills are needed for the position. If I find that I am lacking in such skills, then I shall endeavour to develop them so I will be able to present myself more professionally when the time comes that I am called for an interview. Coming up with small projects of my own will help me improve my organisational and time-management skills. Examples are something as simple as planning a social event, creating a small garden or even starting a small-scale business. Such will surely put my skills to the test. Life-long learning has now become one of my goals. I intend to fulfil it to the utmost. In other words, I shall live my life to the fullest.
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